Thursday, September 10, 2020

family news

The shops etc. Are open but when I went to the bank I found we now need face shields. No, wearing a mask and protecting eyes with glasses is not enough now.

30pesos, no problem, but the store and palenke is 2 blocks down and it is already almost 90 degrees. 

Here elders are honored, so they left me in, but I was so flustered I forgot to step in disinfectant before entering, but I did get my hands sprayed with alcohol and my temperature checked.

I am not sure why we need to step in diinfectant...this was done at airports a couple years ago when there was an epidemic of foot and mouth disease in cattle here in Asia. But covid spreads via air, but maybe because it settles down in dust and there is a lot of dust on the streets.

In the meanwhile, we caught two mice in my room. So this morning, when the dogs were barking like mad, I thought they were trying to catch a mouse... but no, it was a frog. When I tried to rescue the frog, it scurried through a hole in the wall, presumably where he got in earlier.

Since my cat Petunia had kittens on my bed, she is outside or staying in the cat' s room, the spare bedroom we use to store junk. The dogs kill kittens, usually when they lrave the nest to wander around, so she only has one of her three kittens left alive. Sigh. I now feed her on the windowsill...she eats there with her almost grown kitten, along with at least one visitor cat. I know it is a visitor because our senior tomcat, Pepper, gets into fights with him at night, to keep him away from Petunia and Mamacat, both of whom will be going into heat now that their latest batch of kittens have left the nest.

In the latest covid news out of Wuhan, they found quite a few cats tested is thought the cats caught it from their owners, not vice versa.

And in other covid news, there were 260 (?) Cases and one death out of the 450,000 who attended the Sturgis rally. Lots of hatred on twitter against them, for not wearing masks... 

However, no reports of spread among the "mostly peaceful" rioters who presumably didn't spread it because they wear masks and of course the fires they set presumably prevent the virus from spreading.

keeping Mama Mary safe with mask and face shield.

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