Saturday, September 05, 2020

remember Kobe Bryant

So Atlantic magazine released a hit piece on Trumpieboy saying that awhile back he refused to visit a cemetary in France because he didn't want to get his hair wet....and voila, a day later there were veterans groups in a Tv ad condemning Trumpieboy.


The claim is so easily refuted that one worries about amateurs running Biden's campaign.

The problem? Even John Bolton, who wrote a book that criticizes the President, said it is a lie, and in his book he pointed out it wasn't the rain, but the low ceiling and low visibility that led to the visit being cancaled. In an emergency, a pilot would risk it, but not for a routine photo op.

Remember Kobe Bryant and his daughter died because the pilot took a chance they could land before the weather deteriorated?

(So why not drive? Again, security ...going on back roads that hadn't been secured and where you had to drive slowly ).

Helicopters are life saving and air evac is becoming more common (my son in law flies an air evac helicopter)

As a doc in isolated rural hospitals, we knew about weather...sometimes we could not helicopter out patients and had to send them 30 miles to the local airport to be evacuated via a fixed wing airplane. We lost a baby and a car accident victim due to the delays.

But the dirty little secret is that helicopters sometimes crash, but so do fixed wing small planes.

I lost a patient in a small fixed wing aircrwaft because the local airfield was a soybean field with emergency lights.

We had a rainstorm and although the pilot did drain the water from the tank, apparantly not all the water was drained...after stopping to refuel, he stalled and crashed.

So ground ambulance is safer, but sometimes you might lose the patient due to the delay.


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