Friday, January 01, 2021

Why the slow rollout of the vaccine

The federal government delivered 14 million doses of covid vaccine, but hey, it was holiday season so the state health departments only managed to give out 2.6 million shots.

Why? the state health departments didn't bother to prepare adequately for the immunization program. And then they blamed the feds, of course. 

Passing the buck to the feds will work because the MSM hates Trumpieboy: And once Biden is in, the MSM will ignore the problems and pretend everything is going hunky dory. 

from NBC new

While the federal government has helped to coordinate the distribution of vaccine doses from manufacturers to the states, the coordination of administrating the vaccines has fallen to the states, many of which have been short on money, staff and other resources to smoothly schedule and give doses. 

wait a second: This is routine public health. If they knew they would need money, they should have gone to the governor. There was plenty of time to hire and/or train staff to give out the vaccine (after all, this is done every year for influenza, although at a lower level).

As for logistics, well, the logistics for immunizing the population in an epidemic should have been "war gamed" and written in detail long before this epidemic by the states, in the same way they do emergency planning for disasters: tornado? Flood? pull out the plans that should be there waiting to give you guidelines on what to do.

The dirty little secret is that the public health departments of states do not have a lot of experience in handling epidemics. They are observers and bean counters, not generals who plan a fight.

If they needed money, the governor of the state should have arranged to transfer funds to them for this. But of course it's easier to blame the feds and Trumpieboy (but of course, two minutes after Biden takes over, you won't hear any complaints about this in the MSM..)

another reason for delay of giving out the vaccine according to several reports was the "holidays"... uh, in an emergency you don't take a holiday. 

then they claim staff need to take a day off after getting the shot. But most folks don't get sick after the first shot except for maybe a sore arm. (most fever and flu symptom reactions, which area also rare, are after the second shot).

And then the showstorms were to blame. But usually snow is cleared from the major streets in one or two days, so that can't be the reason.

they all complained to the MSM that it was Trumpieboy's fault... because the feds needed to send them money. 

But the money was in the stimulus bill, which that Nancy Pelosi could have passed long before the election but didn't let it go through because it might help Trump. 

Now it has finally passed (it could have been passed in September) and Trump is delaying it a few days to take out pork and other stuff that have nothing to do with helping American cope with covid epidemic. So the MSM will point to Trump for a few days delaying the bill, not the political shenanigans behind the real delay of weeks if not months that actually occurred..

The MSM quoted Biden's team who blamed Trump's 'amateurs" in charge of the roll out, ignoring that he had tasked the military to do the planning, partly because the CDC and FDA took so long to authorize a test early in the epidemic. One should know that the Military does have expertise in such logistics and indeed the National Guard and other units have helped in tracing contacts in rural areas.


One of the big lessons of the Covid epidemic is the failure of the public health establishment. 

and alas one reason that people don't trust the vaccine and are ignoring masks etc. is that they see the failures and no longer trust the system.


The press seems to imply that absolutely everyone will need a shot (and maybe get a paper saying they had the shot). But is that true?

The dirty little secret is that the majority of deaths is in the old or in those with other diseases, so if these people and the frontline workers (who are at risk because they are exposed more heavily) are vaccinated first, then the rest of the population might not need a vaccination immediately because they won't get too sick and the death rate for them is very very low. This is why some countries are hoping for "herd immunity": let everyone get it and the epidemic will stop. 

Do those who have had Covid  have immunity? Yes. But it is not certain how long the post infection immunity lasts. That is why The experts are saying they need to be vaccinated, but this may not be true.

In summary: to stop the deaths, the vaccine needs to be quickly given to those who are at risk of dying.

I have been pretty hard on the public health authorities, but I should point out that when they actually do their job, they can stop disease from spreading.

The state health departments are not always at fault and have done wonderful jobs in the past when tasked to fight epidemics: 

I am thinking of the hepatitis epidemic in California homeless in San Diego, that took them two years to stop... the epidemic was was ignored for months but when they finally decided to stop it, they did manage to get it done despite a lot of logistical problems and a population with many comorbidities (homeless, drug and mental health problems, uncooperative patients who thought the vaccine was a conspiracy to hurt them, etc.). And this was funded, not by the feds but by the city.

So it can be done if there is a will to do it.



Was the release of the virus from China just the result of bureaucratic inertia, or was it a planned attack to increase China's status by spreading the infection?

China's dictatorship concealed its callous decision to infect planet Earth. It quickly deployed a propaganda and narrative warfare campaign utilizing its worldwide political, economic, academic and intelligence agency assets.

China's communist dictatorship decided to wage a new form of bio-economic war on human beings worldwide.

Pay careful attention (for bribed critics and ChiCom trolls will not). I'm not arguing the virus was a bio-weapon in the military and medical definition of a biological attack on animals or plants. I am arguing the CCP leadership allowed the virus to spread beyond China so every other nation would suffer the disease's medical, economic and social consequences.

no, not from a conspiracy site but from military analyst Austin Bay.

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