I heard some bimbo got fired by Disney for her tweet pointing out that the Jews were demonized so badly that the locals sometime attacked them spontaneously and then helped identify them when they got rounded up. She pointed this out as a warning to the "cancel culture", and immediately the RedGuard twittersphere got her fired.
Supposedly this was bad because it equated the present day "cancel culture" to the Nazis.
It's okay to call Trumpieboy and his 74 million voters Nazis, and blame them for the violence of one riot that some suspect was encourage as a false flag operation but hey, point out that Twittermobs reminiscent of the Red Guards attacking mostly peaceful voters (not to mention the riots of BLM and Antifa that are still going on today) might not be a good thing for peace and unity.
Mobs outside your home theatening your family, and threatening people with violence if they don't obey the self appointed oligarchy are not a good thing.
Because hey, we love peace and unity: See we even put signs out saying so.
That someone lost her job for pointing out a slippery slope argument against hate speech is ironic.
Some people of course ignore any "slippery slope" argument, even as society goes over a cliff with immoral behavior that some Jeremiahs warned against 40 years ago, but were ridiculed by the elect who denied any validity to their slippery slope argument.
Years ago, I learned how this "slippery slope" argument (name calling, marginalization, ostracism, etc) worked:
When I worked at an ICF/MR (And the word mental retardation was still considered normal) I attended a conference on how society marginalizes certain people by name calling and ridicule, and then manipulates the media to show they are evil or useless eaters, then good people ignore how the marginalized die from policies (i.e. neglect, oversedation in nursing homes, non treatment orders), and then how it can even lead to direct killing (Nazi T4 project, or how Europe and Canada are now killing non suffering non terminal patients including without their assent).
the conference was to alert us to the (then) disturbing arguments in Medical ethics that were hinting that the mentally disabled should not be given full care because it was too expensive.
That argument was about the mentally disabled, but alas it also could apply to the disabled, minorities, the elderly and the poor of any colour.
How bad has this it become since those days? Well, Biden's health guru is an ethicist who thinks life over 75 is is not worth living, so advises people if they get sick, to just let nature take it's course.
Is there a connection between this type of thinking and the news story that there were thousands of preventable nursing home deaths from Covid, many of which were due to letting still infectious people to be readmitted to the nursing homes? Who knows.
But when Biden appoints the Pennsylvania doctor who also ordered the infectious back into their nursing homes when she moved her mom into a hotel to be safe, you can see that there is a bit of cognitive dissonance out there...follow the rules (but protect your family because you know the rules are nonsense).
And less reported are the stories how disabled people were denied full care in hospitals.
Some of these stories were known but poorly covered at a time when perhaps an expose could have saved lives. Why? Place conspiracy theory here.
There is a place for public shaming, but getting people fired and destroying lives for trivial remarks seems a bit absurd.
However the good side of the ability to accuse people is the exposure of sexual predators.
One reason is that in the 1970s and 1980s, was because, thanks to Kinsey etc, many argued that sexual exploitation of children was harmless, or even good. Those of us who said "no it is wrong" were accused of being rigid bigots.
How widespread were these ideas? I was taught them during our psychiatry rotation back in the last 1960s, but by 1980 when I was in private practice, I remember when California decided to treat their "non violent" pedophiles as outpatients, and Newsweek had an article where an expert insisted we should not report fathers/stepfathers if they committed incest because it would break up the families.
Thirty years later, the victims are now grown and getting their revenge: partly thanks to Ronan Farrow, whose stepfather sexually exploited his underage sister and defended it by saying they were not related legally and she consented.
so now, "unexpectedly" there is a story that an anti Trump political group just discovered one of their leaders used to hit on young men, including underaged boys, and gee, no one knew.
Yup. And no one knew about McCarrick (or Wuerl or Mahoney or...etc), or all those priests hitting on boys either, and Epstein didn't kill himself (and none of those VIP's who have somehow never been exposed had been taking the plane called the "Lolita express" realized he used underage girls that he had "recruited", and no one to this day knows what was hidden on Weiner's computer along with Hillary's top secret emails.
TeaAtTrianon links to an Epoch Time article about Trumpieboy's aggressive fight against human trafficking.
Canadian journalist/essay writer David Warren is recovering from surgery, Keep him in your prayers.
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