Saturday, February 06, 2021

Poetry matters

Garrison Keillor's Writer's almanac podcast used to be on PBS but then it disappeared. But I recently found he has it here on Spreaker, and also on his YouTube channel.

a nice place to start your day.

Right now I am listening to his book where he recites poems (on Scribd). The main problem? His voice is so soothing that it puts me to sleep.

And here is one of his lectures at the Library of Congress.


 and some of the Prairie Home companion shows are also found on Youtube. Yes, I enjoy them, but I'm not a big fan. You see, I come from working class city ethnic background and so I don't identify with that bland Northern European "Minnesota nice" culture or even have any experience working in that culture. And although I lived in Minnesota,  I lived on "the Res",  and it was a completely different culture, and the populations didn't mix much

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