some Incel just shot up a couple of massage parlors.
The story is being framed as anti Asian hate crime, which is a story I have seen in the local papers with stories of attacks on Asians in the USA: Usually framed as Trumpieboy is to blame, while ignoring that most of the attackers were black gang members attacking small people who looked like they wouldn't fight back and who just happened to be Asian.
in this case, the MSM will blame the Christian churches and the Trumpiefollowers, so they have a twofer victory. (/s)
But the real story behind this is the real tragedy:
That many of the women in these "Massage parlors" are Asian women who are forced into being prostitutes.
the Democratic Underground report here.
Every time you drive past one of these places in your city, know that you are most likely driving past a place where women are being held against their will and forced into sexual slavery. How we tolerate the horror that goes on in these places in hundreds of cities across out country is a great shame. This is organized crime trafficking women who are beaten, raped, and held captive. It must be stopped.
...Prostitution is not the right word, that implies that their lives were somehow less valuable, even though it shouldn't imply that. These women were very likely victims of human trafficking before they were murdered. Their deaths are no less tragic because of where they were forced to work. More tragic really.
NYTimes has quite a few stories about this, both now and in the past, when a famous white sports entrepeneur got caught in a raid in 2019.
LINK from yesterday. Not all give sex, but are pressured to do so.
LINK March 2019. The girls are often lured into the work.
LINK from Feb 2019: an expose on the massage parlor which was raided. Lots of details.
this week the Washington Examiner called the story of the Asian prostitues in the massage parlor was a conspiracy theory. So you can see how this is going to be spun.
The sex trafficking of Filipinas who think they are being hired as maid or singers or restaurant workers is a big worry of the government here: They try to regulate these things, as they try to prevent people from taking jobs that exploit them in other ways (overwork, no time off, keeping their passport so they can't flee) but there is just too much corruption to stop it.
As for the Asian massage parlors: they are not only found in the USA:
A couple years ago, one radical Muslim mosque attacked some of these places in Pakistan, causing an international incident when the government interpreted it as an Islamicist uprising and retaliated and destroyed the mosque and killed quite a few people in retaliation.
UKGuardian story on the incident notes how the raid started.
Since January thousands of burka-clad women and stick-wielding students at his madrasas took to the streets, kidnapping prostitutes, intimidating movie store owners and branding western diplomats' wives as hussies for "spreading nudity" by wearing sleeveless shirts. When they abducted seven Chinese nationals working in a local massage parlour, it deeply embarrassed Gen Musharraf, before a key ally, and forced him into action.
Italics mine. China is the "key ally" here, and the local "masage parlour" was a eurphemism for covering up prostitution.
And this open flaunting of prostitution in these places upset a lot of the locals: stuff like this is how the radicals recruit people to support them.
Culture matters you know.
update: there is now a flood of "hate crimes against Asians" stories that appeared out of nowhere.
The "Anti Asian Hate crime" meme first came to my attention with a "Ain't it awful" article in one of our local papers. they lamented an elderly Asian man who died after an assault, but not noted in the article was that this was a "knock out" incident by a black gang member (where someone punches a random passerby, usually an elderly person who won't fight back).
Most of the articles stress the crime numbers are up 100 percent, but if you bother to read the entire NPR article, you see this:
In Los Angeles, for instance, the number of hate crimes directed against Asians was up more than 100% from 2019 to 2020, though the actual numbers were from 7 to 15. The numbers were bigger in Seattle, where the police count hate and bias crimes together. Asians were targeted 49 times in 2020, compared to 21 times the year before. That's a big increase, but there were also big jumps in crimes targeting whites and Blacks. And it's important to remember that 2020 was just more violent across the board.
and they then go on to say, hey Asians feel they are targeted. Ah, but when there is a "full court press" to convince Asians they are going to be victimized by evil white supremicists, well, maybe some of them will believe it, instead of seeing what this is actually about:
blaming Trumpieboy and his minions as hate filled white supremicists who kill Asians.
ah but is it truth or is it distortion?
a quick glance at this graph would make one suspect there was a problem, since it shows a huge jump in NYC for example, but the actual number was 28 in a city of ten million people.
And of course, the story has come at a convenient time for China, who will now use the story to counter western complaints about their one million Uighars in concentration camps or the jailing of democracy advocates in HongKong.
Indeed, one wonders who in the news rooms decided that this was a story two weeks before the shooting up of Massage parlors and prostitutes run by Asian criminal gangs.
I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
Andrew Sullivan's take on the feeding frenzy of the media.
Accompanying one original piece on the known facts, the NYT ran nine — nine! — separate stories about the incident as part of the narrative that this was an anti-Asian hate crime, fueled by white supremacy and/or misogyny. Not to be outdone, the WaPo ran sixteen separate stories on the incident as an anti-Asian white supremacist hate crime. Sixteen! One story for the facts; sixteen stories on how critical race theory would interpret the event regardless of the facts. For good measure, one of their columnists denounced reporting of law enforcement’s version of events in the newspaper, because it distracted attention from the “real” motives. Today, the NYT ran yet another full-on critical theory piece disguised as news on how these murders are proof of structural racism and sexism — because some activists say they are.
update: Instapundit link to articles discussing how a professor in California is accused of hate speech crimes for criticizing China's response to Wuhan Flu.
The faculty member in question made a political comment in forceful language. He has the right and perhaps the obligation as a citizen and an academic to comment on matters of public concern such as the Chinese government’s handling of COVID, and to do so in evocative and forceful language....Describing the disputed comments in this case as “offensive language in reference to people from China” of a piece with “hate crimes directed against the Asian and Pacific Islander (API) community [and] racist commentary” inevitably creates the impression that judgment has been rendered in advance and the outcome of the promised review has been predetermined.
so is China encouraging the meme of anti Asian bigotry in order to shut people ups from the suspicion that the Chinese government covered up the Wuhan Flu came from one of their biolabs, and that their response was inadequate because, like in Chernobyl, the minions didn't want to admit what was going on for political reasons, aka to "save face" and pretend they didn't do anything wrong?
and another comment somewhere noted that the many Asian shops burned down by the BLM/Antifa types. These shops were burned because of hatred, and many were owned by local Black entrepeneurs, and immigrants, especially Asians, but never mind. Instead the public was told by the media that these were "peaceful protests".
I am so old that I remember watching an interview on the Korean TV network we get here in the Philippines where they discussed anti Asian bias in American society. The main complaint? That the cops would not persecute those who stole from them or vandalized their shops, because they were merely Koreans.
update: A terrible incident of murdering ten innocent people in a Colorado supermarket. Sigh.
This was immediately pushed to promote the meme: Evil white supremicists and we need gun control.
Alas for the meme, the shooter is a Muslim Syrian refugee who seems to have descended into paranoia. So far this is not being promoted as a hate crime or terror attack, which is good for the innocent Muslims who live in the USA. But it leaves one to wonder: he has threatened people, so why didn't anyone stop him from getting a gun?
Angry teenagers can go "amok": I remember when my oldest was having problems, and I took his rifle away. He threatened me (correctly) that he bought it with his money, so I did give it back to him, minus the firing pin, which I promptly "lost".
(Later, since he was legally an adult, I "encouraged" him to return to Colombia. He has done much better there, since the cultural stresses were a lot less)
So one does wonder about those around him: Didn't anyone notice he was having anger problems?
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