Friday, July 09, 2021

yup. just move along folks

 and this is how you get homophobia:

ThePG rated version of the story can be found on PJMedia.

 x rated version  LINK 

A joke? (so just ignore the double entendres)

The singers insist the song is all about tolerance, so who dare to object unless one is a evil right wing bigot (or a parent who objects to the toxic sexual waste that is being pushed onto their children by the cultural elites).

those charming singers would never really harm your child. It's a satire, right? so don't be a bigot and object.

this is a song glorifying the fact that the American culture is busy normalizing any and all sexual activity, and is teaching indoctrinating children into sexuality at an early age.

First you remove the taboo in discussing it, then you hint it's okay, then you print propaganda stories making it sympathetic, then you decriminalize it as "consensual", then you stigmatize those who criticize it as bigots.

Got it.

Update Daily Wire via Tea At Trionon points out how the sex education trends are leading to children being sexualized and easily recruited, and suspects the porn epidemic is part of the reason.

Ballard noted that by exposing children to sexualized materials, government schools are employing the same tactics as traffickers.

“Candace and I talked about teachers who are now teaching children to masturbate and to learn terms like ‘clitoris’ and ‘erection.’ As I said to Candace, this is exactly what the traffickers are trying to do to children. If they can get access, they will try to desensitize them by showing them sexual things. Now they have teachers doing it for them… you’re just softening up these children and making them ripe for victimhood.”

“Or, you teach them that sexuality is so okay that a fourteen-year-old on Instagram is showing as much skin as they can,” he continued. “If you’re paying attention, there are traffickers commenting under the photos. ‘Hey, you’re so beautiful, why don’t you come to a photoshoot?’ That’s how they’re recruiting kids into trafficking.”

“Anyone that’s pushing that mentality — especially in public education — the reader can decide who’s doing that,” remarked Ballard. “Whoever’s doing that is on the wrong side of history.” (Read more.)

I am old enough to remember when Germany's green party attempted to legalize sex with children by lowering the age of consent.... and Johns Hopkins had a clinic where two prominent physicians insisted that folks having sex with children needed to be treated, not jailed (1992 article here).

and this idea is undergoing a renaissance today....

The idea is if a type of sexual activity is being done by some folks, then hey, don't be judgemental. 

And the dirty little secret is that there is something attractive about the pubescent innocent (of both sexes, but especially of pubescent boys in the gay community) that attracts some people, so some argue since this is a fact, we should tolerate such behavior.

And hey, the kids like it (so a Project Sigma report in 1993 said 35 percent of male gays had intercourse below age 15, including ten percent under age 10 but hey, that didn't mess them us psychologically so stop worrying.. and one suspects the numbers are much higher nowadays, since fatherless boys are now more common in society and fatherless boys are especially vulnerable to being groomed).

That was the story we were taught in medical school back in the early 1970s. Freudian theory and Kinsey affirmed it. 

... until the victims grew up and blew the whistle

italics mine.

Summary here does note that the statistics might be too low because most cases of sexual abuse are not reported. From shame, from denial, or because they are told that their reality isn't true.

New Yorker article about the problem.( the link can be found with other links on the subject HERE.)

When monsters roam free, we assume that people in positions of authority ought to be able to catch them if only they did their jobs. But that might be wishful thinking. A pedophile... is someone adept not just at preying on children but at confusing, deceiving, and charming the adults responsible for those children.

So am I a bigot to worry that this song is just another MSM and internet manipulation to desensitize you?

Too many examples out there, but mostly on right wing sites like the Washington Post editorial who says hey, letting kids see the perverts acting out sexually during a parade is okay, or the LATimes spins a story as transphobia in their report that Antifa is attacking women who object to a pervert exposing himself in a woman's spa by pretending to be a lady, or good morning America and other MSM outlets promoting gay child drag queens on stage.

you know, a lot of us opposed the sexualization of little girls on stage and screen, something the Ramsey murder brought to our attention. So how is this good for children?

the full court press to ridicule the traditional morals of the world (not just Christians, but Confucian ethics, Islamic ethics, and the ethics of many traditional religions oppose this type of behavior).

So we see stuff like the "football is gay" meme being lauded in the MSM as something to be celebrated, which made me think: Uh, Joe Paterno?

ah yes, poor Joe.

His family insisted he just didn't understand the issue: but even USAToday noted the similarity with the lack of understanding that this was abuse that needed to be reported with the moral collapse of the catholic church in Pennsylvania.

And I thought WTF, until I remembered how the local Altoona diocese in the 1990s and early 2000s promoted gay friendly policies: the psychologist who screened our seminarians told the State College school board that the gay agenda was not a problem, and we had lots of articles supporting the gay agenda in the diocesan newspaper ....  LINK..., and fired priests who objected. Penn State is located within that diocese, and it's gay friendly outreach might have led to the failure of Catholics at Penn State to ignore the Sandusky incident in 2002.


As this column in the NYPost notes that minorities who are traditional Democratic voters are pushing back the agenda of the elites (who now run the Democratic party and who are fighting the Trumpieboy led populist takeover of that party).

and all of this might be the reason behind the uberreaction of the snowflakes about "micro aggression", which is often pushback after these folks have been gaslighted by authority figures. (and alas sometimes it is fantasy or attention getting behavior or suffering from low self esteem and adjustment issues so are exaggerating their experiences to fit into the latest social fad).

So we see kids, especially celebrity's kids go from proclaiming they are gay to proclaiming they are "pansexual" to proclaiming they are transgender... and now they claim they are "Demisexual".

Demisexual people only feel sexually attracted to someone when they have an emotional bond with the person. They can be gay, straight, bisexual, or pansexual, and may have any gender identity. ..

Demisexual people do not feel primary attraction — the attraction you feel to someone when you first meet them. They only feel secondary attraction — the type of attraction that happens after knowing someone for a while.

In other words, if you don't immediately see a person as a sexual object and feel you have to jump into bed with them, you now have your own psychiatric desription.

And I'm old enough to remember when that was normal.



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