Sunday, January 30, 2022

Absurd stuff in the news

 Quote the statistics, and the BBC gets it's knickers in a knot.

How dare you use facts to criticize the propaganda.


awaiting Youtube to cancel him in 1...2....3...
This may be the reason for the BBC's anger: this is the original video where he asks: Where is the data on the vaccines, and why hasn't it been published?

and I see the Catholic bishops here want to divest their money from all those evil companies that log, mine, or produce petroleum based fuel.

uh, what is the alternative? Waterbuffalos for plowing, methane producing flooding of fields instead of herbicide and fertilizer? and only one crop a year, since we use diesel for irrigation pumps? And instead of trucks should we use horse drawn carts to deliver rice to the 20 million folks in Manila?

apparently they are not worried that eliminating LPG used to cook food (and producing pollution!) will mean people will have to use wood, leading to air pollution, or the rising price of petroleum will mean higher price for transportation to go to your job, or that high prices of diesel will affect the supply chain for all sorts of things, including a coming crisis in the price of rice, since the shortage of petrol and coal and supply chain problems have led to higher prices in many things, including causing the rising price of fertilizer to using handplows to transporting rice to market.

as for mining and logging: Yes, regulate it to stop deforestation and pollution. But when a small "gift" can make local officials look the other way, illegal mining will continue, and if you get rid of mines, then the dangerous unregulated "mom and pop" mining will lead to deaths from accidents and of course even more pollution of the area.

same thing happens in illegal logging: out of work men will cut trees without worrying that the denuded slopes will result in lethal landslide, because they are doing illegal logging to feed their families since there are no other jobs available.

And ignore that people need jobs that these industries could supply, again if it was regulated to pay them well and put up regulations to prevent accidents etc.

so how could the bishops encourage safe mining etc? Maybe stop taking money from rich politicians and business men who are corrupt, or maybe just criticize the culture of corruption that lets the environment be destroyed.

But issuing a nasty letter is just virtue signaling.

and they aren't the only ones: Japan tells the Bengalis they don't need cheap electricity from coal. The activist cite all sorts of statistics, but don't discuss what is the alternative: very expensive renewable energy that the poor can't afford, or going back to a carbon-free primitive lifestyle with all it's hard work, hunger, poverty and despair.

which, by the way, is why China is ignoring the green saviors and building more coal plants.

Yes, the pope and bishops are good at nagging the rich to help the poor, but by giving them money etc. but not by encouraging investment  (and discouraging the corruption that discourages investment). Giving people jobs makes them middle class, and often they become Protestant, because that culture encourages hard work and lets people meet others with a similar work ethic.

yes, Catholic charismatics, C2C league and other lay groups (including EWTN) are keeping the faith alive at the grass roots level. 

I can say such things since I was a missionary and am a believing Catholic who is being neglected instead of being allowed to attend church and receive the sacraments.

and don't get me started on the gobblygook nonsense of the latest synods which will discuss a lot of psychological nonsense instead of teaching people about God. LINK: Ecclesiastical newspeak, where words mean the opposite of what they mean to common people using the term. 


Biden wants war to protect the Ukraine, but the Ukrainian president tells him to cool it.

woke hits the W.H.O. How dare one notice the culture of corruption or criticize your staff for being incompetent and make them cry! And how dare you ask them to come into the office and actually go to work!

so who would you want to run your health department? A competent dictator, or one who is nice?

 Being woke is more important than being competent nowadays.


But here it is about how Japanese, who are strict and work oriented, feel superior to the less work oriented people in poorer countries, who are family oriented and socially more competent with others.

so instead of telling the locals how to understand the culture of Japan, he will be punished for not respecting their culture.


First they came for wedding photographers and cake shops. 
Then they started suing Catholic schools.
Now: Why are trans activists "joining" small conservative churches and then coming out and demanding they be respected or they will sue you? LINK
alas too many pastors try to be nice and will end up losing the culture war because politeness.

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