Wednesday, January 12, 2022

No, it's not a new plague


 hysteria on some blogsites about a new "Ebola" type virus going around China.

The clueless think that every "hemorrhagic fever" is Ebola, which is not true. Dengue can cause this, as can other viruses. LIST HERE.

Breitbart says, no it's just the rat spread Hanta virus. 

I was working in New Mexico when a Hanta virus epidemic killed some on or near the Navajo reservation. We had none in our area, but we had posters up and handed out information on how to clean out the rat feces from our houses using heavy mask etc.

we also saw a few cases of some type of hemorrhagic fever when I  worked in Africa, but no epidemics. I never did find what germ caused it, but it didn't spread person to person.

But other viruses can result in hemorrhagic rashes, from severe measles to yellow fever to Rocky Mountain Spotted fever. 

And of course, don't forget the Bubonic plague, a few cases a year which are diagnosed on the Navajo reservation or nearby, mainly in hunters who have contact with animals.

And of course, every time we have flooding (where people wade through the water to get around) we get epidemics of Leptospirosis, which can cause a similar symptoms. This is easily treatable with antibiotics if they are given early, but a lot of folks just ignore the early symptoms and get treated too late.

These things are just the regular diseases that go around all the time, and the public health authorities usually figure them out and keep them from becoming an epidemic.

Which is why, as a physician, I am aghast about the anti CDC and anti modern medicine opinions I am seeing on the internet. 

The injection of politics into the covid epidemic is the cause of this, and it does not bode well if a really scary epidemic pops up, i.e. an epidemic that kills more than 2 percent of the population (and those dying often have health problems or are old).

In local news, we are in the midst of a surge of cases, as I mentioned in previous blog posts.

 But the gov't is now acknowledging that a lot of positive cases in the hospital are people there for other reasons (stroke, heart attack, accidents) and test positive, and not Covid sick folk.

and with the new Omnicron variant spreading like wildfire, the DOH is worried that hospitals will not be able to cope with all their personnel in quarantine, so they have shortened the time of quarantine for those who are not sick but test positive.

In the meanwhile, Joy's mom who lives in Bulacan is sick with a chest infection: no one else is sick there, and she has severe Parkinson's disease, so it might just be aspiration pneumonia or a cold. But keep her in your prayers.

 the entire family has had 2 shots of the vaccine, but of course if it is omnicron you still catch it and spread it.

But Joy's mom is essentially bedridden so never got the vaccine, and has not been tested to see if this is covid. Why not? Because it won't change her treatment (inhalers, antibiotics, supportive care).

Something to remember when you read about the statistics.

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