Tuesday, February 08, 2022

Stories below the fold

 Religious persecution.

In Afghanistan they hate everyone: Christians, Shiite Muslims, Sikhs, Ahmadis Muslims, Hindus.

And will kill you in the name of Allah for being an apostate. 

But religious persecution is not limited to Muslim countries:

The problem is that religious freedom concerns are often drowned out during debates about politics, economics, climate change and other issues in violent flashpoints around the world.
Consider northern Nigeria, where ISIS and Boko Haram continue to slaughter Christian farmers, or Hong Kong, where Communist Party threats are increasing against pro-democracy leaders, such as jailed Catholic media magnate Jimmy Lai and the retired Cardinal Joseph Zen.

but at least the Olympics are publicizing China's reeducation/persecution of their Uighar Muslim minorities. 


 StrategyPage has a pithy summary of the Covid epidemic... lies, propaganda, and misinformation are noted in the essay.

such as why Vaccines don't seem to be working:

Another bit of misinformation was the development of covid19 vaccines. Covid19 is a rapidly mutating disease similar to influenza. While more stable viruses like smallpox and polio can protect potential victims with a vaccine, the flu and covid19 “vaccines” are actually temporary treatments called “antivirals.” These slow down the spread of the disease but cannot stop it like polio or smallpox vaccination.
and they note that the epidemiology of the disease was first recognized from the data from the cruise ship infections was analyzed:

The fat, asthmatic and elderly are at most risk.

And did China cover up the fact that they had 2 millon deaths?

The Olympics was supposed to be a propaganda triumph for China, showing how it could control the virus through their efficient state control. But then Omicron hit.

and Dr. C comments on Facebook correcting an esteemed medical journal. WTF? 

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