Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Audiobook of the week

 no video but a fan read audiobook.

More here...

and it can be found at Internet archives 


This was one of the books that I was told to read to learn how people in different cultures actually think and believe differently than Americans (something I sort of knew, since I grew up in a multi ethnic multiracial neighborhood).

the passivity, the idea you are not in charge of your own life, the belief in the supernatural as part of life: this is true even if you don't live in a religious country like India or the Philippines, or in Africa, but even in atheistic countries like China and Japan where customs and folk beliefs are still strong.

Ah, but the literary types prefer "passage to India" which is actually about rich white Brits and teaches you little about India. Or The God of Small Things, which my granddaughter was given in literature class in high school: Where it depicts many cultures in India but you don't really learn about the nuances: it could be set in American suburbia because they all seem to belong to the same culture and have the same way of thinking.

update: The internet archives includes scans from the Library of India, where a lot of modern classic books can be found.

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