Wednesday, March 09, 2022

SNAFU: being paranoid is now normal

 Canadian humorist Mark Steyn comments on the Four Horsemen of the apocolypse.

...headsup from TeaAtTrianon.

Yesterday I linked to an article on the PhilInquirer about how the increase in the price of fertilizer will make food costs high and that the increase in costs of fertilizer and fuel etc might make some farmers decide to just not plant this year.

Kuya agreed: He said he is barely making enough to cover his costs, and even though most of our rice is grown with organic fertilizer, we still have some fields that use regular fertilizer, and the price of that has almost doubled, and now the price of fuel/diesel to run the farm machinery is soaring.

the increase in the price of fuel and electricity (which is also going up) will affect the second harvest the most because the second/winter or dry season harvest requires irrigation, which uses either diesel or electricity, and usually this harvest is smaller than the main (summer) harvest.

now, multiply this by thousands of smaller farmers, and you can see that maybe the price of food will go up high so the urban poor won't be able to afford it, and that if farmers don't grow food, there will be less food for people to buy,

In the meanwhile, China if hoarding food, and with war, the Ukraine wheat might not be available. What about US Farmers? They also are discouraged due to Biden's policies that make diesel and fertilzer more expensive, so will we also see some just saying forget about it and not plant, but just take a government hand out?

My Youtube channel just sent this one to my "recommended" list. It is from the University of Chicago, not a right wing fundamentalist site, and it is from 2015, so it predated Trumpieboy.


I post this because it echoes a lot of what was discussed in the letter by Cardinal Vigano that I linked to yesterday. Western forces were pushing democracy, with the best of intentions of course.

So where does the Philippines come into this? 

we have an election, and the CIA media who has been anti Duterte for the last few years is now busy supporting Leni, as is the social media and the Catholic bishops, because the alternative is BongBong Marcos with Duterte's daughter as VP.

Now add to this the Chinese pressure and the leftist bots who automatically oppose the USA, and you see the problem

The saying is: When the elephants fight, the grass suffers.

China supplies a lot of our manufactured goods, and a lot of our medicines and even some of our food. So what happens to the Philippines when Taiwan is invaded? There goes our internet, sea routes, fishing, and maybe even a couple hundred thousand refugees landing in northern Luzon.


the paranoid worry about how the elites of the NWO are using these emergencies to push a long planned agenda.

I'd think that was paranoid, except that back in the late 1990s I read Robert Reich's book Work of Nations  (1992)that posited an elite that identified as citizens of the world, and that the hoi polloi of the US would have to be retrained because their low level jobs would go elsewhere. From a book review by Scott London:
"We are living through a transformation that will rearrange the politics and economics of the coming century," says Robert Reich. As we move into the borderless economy, the notion of national products, national technologies, and national corporations will become increasingly meaningless. The only thing that will remain rooted within national borders are the people who make up a nation. This shift has enormous political implications, according to Reich. It means that the traditional idea of national solidarity and purpose can no longer be defined in purely economic terms. It also leads to fragmentation, Reich argues, as "those citizens best positioned to thrive in the world market are tempted to slip the bonds of national allegiance, and by so doing disengage themselves from their less favored fellows."

So what about those left behind? Reich says the 1990s equivalent of "learn to code". 

 from the early 2000s we also have The Pentagon's new Map, LINK2 that posits a similar tranformation (he sees the Philippines as a cheap source of trained labor. Duh). from a 2013 video

from 2016: the "Great Reset" plan has been around for awhile.

start at 25 minutes...let them eat cake (on the dole it's no problem). and fuck the middle class who now lost their jobs. And they ridicule Brexit as being a Luddite populism.


I am old enough to remember when it was the left who held these points of view, about the evils of big business exploiting the world (Chomsky anyone?). But my opinion was that if they were correct, they also didn't consider the alternative: Poverty and stagnation.  
Things are complicated.

The introduction of robots to replace workers mean a lot of people with no meaningful work. The sexual revolution means no meaningful relationship with your family. The feminist revolution means making women into men, ignoring that they have babies and do this the best when supported by family. Heck, I remember when Betty Frieden who started the feminist revolution, was thrown out of the feminist movement because she insisted that she and most women didn't hate men or want to destroy the family, but only wanted a way to have a family but also use their skills outside the home.

But what do you do with all those out of work? I am reminded of the stories of the Irish Potato famine, that noted that afterward the inefficient small farms were replaced with more efficient methods of farming... the problem was: so where did those who were forced to leave? The Malthusian ideas were around already, and the plans to make the farmlands more efficient were already known, but it took the potato fungus to implement the plans.

Is it paranoia if you just quote them?
The Tolkien comment that maybe communism was Mordor, but that the west was Saruman, willing to use the ring of power to impose a benevolent dictatorship.

all they want to do is to Serve Man...

update; GetReligion blog has had several posts on the Ukraine, from the religion and history point of view, LINK  LINK2 LINK3 and today notes about the fairly large Jewish population there.

update: well well well: was there a coverup of Vaccine injuries?

Waiting for Dr. C to be cancaled in 1....2...3

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