Much of this post is sarcasm, so don't take me seriously.
Sun Tsu said: “The line between disorder and order lies in logistics…” and Napoleon noted that an army travels on it's stomach, but apparantly Putin figured they'd be greeted with open arms and not need little things to conquer the Ukraine.
StratagyPage discusses the problem with logistics and supplies, and discusses communications problems here and the modern use of Drones to spy on stuff.
space: it's not just US vs Russia. It now is US vs Russia vs China vs Elon Musk vs Bezos vs....
SP discusses the ailing Russian Space Program.
more here:
so who controls the money if they get digital money?
So why are all the news stories using the word alopecia to describe her problem? Why not use baldness, hair loss, or other more commonly used words instead of the medical term?
There is a lot of weeping and gnashing of teeth about the Ukraine war, but that's not the only place where there is war, but most wars are low grade insurgencies or wars between tribes in Africa, or hits on civilians when the crazies try to take over.
No, Africa is not monolithic: many areas are modern, and others are living traditional farming lives, but things are changing (cellphones, education, modern medicine, cars and bicycles).
About the only thing one BLM activist said that is actually true is that the MSM in the US rarely reports on this. Of course, I don't see the BLM activists using donations to build clinics in Africa instead of buying real estate, but that's another story for another day.
on the other hand, China is investing a lot in Africa for development. The bad news: I don't see the greens complaining that China's owning mines etc. is a problem because child labor and pollution.
FYI: I've worked in two African countries in the past, and right now my step daughter is doing a short stint in one country there teaching crafts (so women can make things at home and sell them to supplement their income).
personally I think she should take her geeky son with her to hold classes on how to code, but hey that's just me.
Trudeau cancaled the bank accounts of the truckers, and Biden is cancaling the bank account of Russia.
so who controls the money if they get digital money?
179,000 defective ballots found.
The difference is that here they know people try to cheat in elections: in the USA, saying that cheating happens will get you cancaled by Facebook and twitter.
and the US is busy pushing stuff about human rights violations (if you are killed by a druggie or a professional hitman, no problem. If you kill the guy who hired the hitman it will be blamed on Duterte.) How dare he stop the cartels from making the Philippines into a failed state run by the cartels ( like they run Mexico and Venezuela and are trying to get into power to run Colombia).
and now they are hinting that BongBong is the Manchurian candidate.
Heh. Bong bong might dislike the USA, but at least he doesn't need to sign contracts with China like Hunter Biden, because he's already rich with Yamashita's gold.
Ah but the big story is the punch at the Oscars over Will Smith's wife alopecia.
So why are all the news stories using the word alopecia to describe her problem? Why not use baldness, hair loss, or other more commonly used words instead of the medical term?
Latest conspiracy theory: Pfizer spent oodles of money sponsoring the Oscars, and they are releasing a new drug to treat alopecia in the near future. So it was all an act.
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