Saturday, April 23, 2022

for Catholics only: Satire time

 Eccles is saved blog is a satire on British Catholicism, that frequently slyly satirizes the more blatent shennanigans of the liberals in the church....but this one is a ROFL post:

Elon Musk, said to be the richest man in the world after Cardinal Becciu, has made a bid of $666 billion for the Catholic Church (hereafter abbreviated to Cather).
In a letter to Pope Francis, Chairman of the Church since a 2013 boardroom coup, Musk said that the business was not thriving under its current management, and that changes were needed.,,,
What other changes are we likely to see? I'm glad you asked me that. We are likely to see the return of several people who were effectively silenced by the antisocial medium - for example the notorious American Raymond Burke with his aggressive statements such as WE WONDER IF YOU WOULD BE SO KIND AS TO ANSWER A FEW DUBIA FOR US, HOLY FATHER? and many people who have infringed "Community Standards" by praising the Traditional Latin Mass.

LOL. It is a snide way to ridicule the bubble of progressives in the Vatican and Europe, which like Twitter are people who have their own agenda to push and pretend it is the opinion of the majority of people.

The Boardroom coup is a reference to the pressures on Benedict to resign, (they shut down all the accounts in the Vatican Bank, for example, making it impossible to pay their lay employees.) something well documented on conspiracy sites.

But in recent years, a lot of people who actually believe Jesus is the Lord see the chaos, lewdness, idol worship, and marxist shennanigans by those wishing to change the church, and are wondering WTF is going on... even main stream types are wondering if this is true.

This all reminds one of a 1973 (pre Vatican II ) play called Catholics.

full film here

the first part is about the German Bishops using the synod farce to change dogma but at 30 minute in, there is a discussion of how the Chinese communist government is using Pope Francis' agreement that they could supervise the church to silence the priests and bishops who oppose tyranny of the government both in changing church dogma and in destroying the civil rights of ordinary Chinese citizens. 

at 55 minutes he explains the Shanghai shutdown has a lot to do with punishing the anti Xi opposition in the Shanghai area before an upcoming election.

By the way: Don't ask me.  I haven't gone since Covid hit and the essentially closed the churches to elders, and now that they are open, I am not strong enough to go. Sigh.

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