Thursday, April 28, 2022

technology stuff: capitalism to the rescue.


 How skylink (i.e. Elon Musk) and computer printing of parts is changing the ways of war in the Ukraine.

StragegyPage discusses here.

This interests me, because the internet cable from here to the US goes by Taiwan, and so China could destroy the cable if they invade Taiwan or even if they merely are trying to pressure the Philippines (and India for that matter, since some of India's internet goes through there).


update: I just posted on my Makaipa blog a report on internet interference/censorship against opposition parties in Zimabwe.

there are discussions in comments that Starlink or similar internet services could enable people to evade the Great Firewall of China (not to mention censors in smaller countries with rabid dicators). Supposedly, China could arrest you for having a receiver box that had been smuggled illegally to China. 

which is why China is pushing propaganda about how his satellites will hamper the identification of near earth asteroids, and that his satellites could pose a threat to their space station.

And I'm sure that China has nothing to do with the Biden adminstration allowing ecology nuts to slow down his lauches over environmental issues.

And of course, with him buying Twitter, he should expect dozens of exposes and lawsuits to punish him for daring to stop their censorship.

update: a spokesman for Marcos was banned from facebook for disinformation, but the latest news is that Facebook could not cite evidence and said sorry my bad...and he's back on.

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