Sunday, May 22, 2022

Questions that are taboo to ask

 Why is no one questioning about the effect of hormones on the baby when transitioned women have babies? Many stopped these hormones when they planned the pregnancy, of course, but not all... and did the hormones cause atrophy of the uterus or affect the ability of the ovary to produce enough hormones to support the child? 

The problem is that any study about the problem has very very few numbers in it, and the censorship of the gender theory tyrants will silence any question if a testosterone filled person should be getting pregnant. Instead, the woke establishment (including now many medical societies who should know better) pushes the idea that this is normal, and heaven help you if you question it.

Another question: this article is about the women who transitioned but wanted to breast feed. 

a long discussion about why docs should respect them and their pronouns etc. and how they feel when the naive get it wrong.

this is helpful for those of us in the medical profession (politeness in communication is needed: not just pronouns but when docs or nurses call elders by their first name as if they were children is a similar problem)...

however, most of those quoted sound like those of a self centered person insisting that you go along with their mindset (someone who wants to have their own reality imposed on those around them and how dare you not obey their wishes).

Some of these people are probably narcissists trying to gaslight you until you disregard what you see and what thousands of years of Judeo/Christian/Muslim and Confucian ideas have taught about the roles of men and women.

True, this criticism may be harsh, because some girls who transition have autistic spectrum and are trying their best to live in a world they don't quite understand: and others want to escape the milieu of femininity, often because they were  abused. Others want to have the freedom of being a male... 

I understand when a person is insecure who desperately needs to have others agree with them no matter what, to affirm their shaky self esteem, or maybe because deep in their heart they are troubled or ambivalent with transition but in today's woke environment they don't dare question it...


Life is too complicated for tweets or soundbites.

Here in the Philippines, we have a catholic approach: we accept folks but keep the idea of the law: one description of Catholicism was that we have strict laws, but since we know no one can follow them all, we have confession and forgiveness and acceptance of sinners of all sorts: including those whose behavior is different from us. I mean, our town has fiestas for all sorts of saints, but we also have miss gay gapan city contests.

I mean, when the private armies of mayors and governors have shootouts, and the cops shoot druggies or almost daily find those storing huge amounts of shabu or raid those posting child porn for rich westerners, having a hairdresser dress as Snow White to win a contest isn't exactly something to get one's knickers in a knot.

But accepting those different with loving kindness, while acknowledging traditional laws, is not the same as the woke culture forbidding someone to say that there are two sexes.

Reality check: there are two sexes, with very rare exceptions biologically.

True, there are gay people and those who have problems accepting their gender (or in today's world, where unhappy children find they can get a lot of positive feedback by woke parents or woke teachers by being the opposite gender).

But there is a need to recognize that the gender theory being pushed is not just about not hurting a few sensitive souls, but a pseudo religion that is trying to destroy the idea that there is a difference between male and female, and ultimately destroy the family, which has biological and evolutionary reality and is the basis of society.

and to make things worse, many countries, the UN, and many NGO's are pushing the entire gender agenda religion on poorer countries, something Pope Francis has called cultural imperialism.

 Pope Francis has condemned it as seeking to destroy the difference between man and women, as an attack on the family, which in most countries is the way people care for the young, the sick, and the elderly. 

Francis singled out “gender theory” as an expression of this evil, while noting immediately that “I am not referring to those who have a homosexual orientation” since these people deserve “pastoral care.” Gender theory is “dangerous,” the pope continued, because it implicitly wishes “to destroy at the root that creative project that God wanted for each of us — diversity and distinction — by making everything homogeneous and neutral.” “It is an attack on difference, on God’s creativity, on man and woman,” Francis said...
he also said that the “legal deconstruction of the family”  taking place in many countries cannot bode well for the future of society.

indeed, the pressures by western countries/UN/NGOs to do this by withholding needed aid money has been condemned by the Pope as cultural imperialism. 

Can't we just get along?

Uh, maybe not: at least as long as these woke warriors are allowed to set the agenda and have control of institutions, the media, and even the government to censor those who disagree with them.



Mareen Malarky writes about the malarky in the art world institutions: 

They tells us that EFA “stands against oppression, racism, and the exploitation of humans, non-humans, and the land.” Art itself goes unmentioned but “art practices” that agitate for “accountability, reform, equity, justice, and abolition” are grant-worthy. EFA commits to training young adult social justice warriors to organize against “mass incarceration and the police state.” Naturally, EFA means in the U.S., not countries like Myanmar, Cuba, or China. What constitutes police state action is in the eye of social justice bureaucrats.
Send the cavalry to parents at a school board meeting but celebrate NYC’s revised Human Rights Law which urges fines up to $150,000 for a first offense against the mandated pronoun glossary. And up to $250,000 for a “willful” or “malicious” misgendering...

at this point in her essay, she posts photos of one of these activists who work for the Biden administration.

Yes, one can be sympathetic to the angst of some people who feel they were born in the wrong body, and we docs cope with all sorts of people. 

But you know, in psychiatry, we were cautioned that being too sympathetic and empathic with people might lead us to not recognize what they were doing wasn't quite normal. 

So we were told to apply the taxi driver rule: If the average taxi driver would judge that person as crazy, maybe the behavior is not normal but a sign of mental illness. 

or as Ms Malarkey writes:

This pronoun juggernaut is not a small thing, not a craze that will wear itself out. It is a militant program to destabilize, even erase, the concept of normalcy. All norms must go. The force of the propaganda campaign to reduce biology to grammar—and something called gender expression—is a direct attack on human nature. It is a menace to be fought..

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