Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Let's discuss behavior

actually let's not discuss behavior because it means you will be censored as a bigot.

So the full post was moved to my medical blog, where behaviors are part of the reason disease spreads. (what, you stopped wearing a mask? How dare you).


the US Navy has implemented a "don't ask don't tell" program for sailors, and pushing education on those with old fashioned ideas.

What is not discussed: The behavior.....

without discussing how this training goes against religious beliefs that some behavior is wrong, (italics mine) the end result  might mean a lot of the best and brightest will either leave or will tell their kids not to join the service. 


Similarly, in this monkeypox in an infant report leaves out the question: Why is a small baby sleeping in the same bed as two caregivers, one of whom had done high risk behavior and started having symptoms three weeks before the child's rash started ? ......

and then there is racism.

given that most news reports imply monkey pox was a white middle aged MSM disease, even I was aghast that in recent weeks that there had been an increase in the numbers of people who were minority background.

NBC report about this, and the barriers to minority men who suspect they have the disease: not just the stigma against MSM, but the bureaucratic problems that stopped people from getting tested and treated properly, including the slowness in contacting possible contacts to the gentleman who first came down with symptoms, and the obstacles to getting the vaccine.....

And the problems of rural and inner city health outreach is not just about the black community, but about other minorities, including working class whites.

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