Friday, November 18, 2022

your tax dollars at work

 I was flat on my back in the hospital during the election kerfuffle. But now that things have settled a lot of stories have been discovered and publicized, a few days after the election of course... if publicized a month ago might have changed things.

The crypto currancy debacle for one: And the fact that both the press and many politicians were essentially bribed by them, and a lot of their investor's money went to change the election. EdDriscoll at Instapundit has the latest.

So did the FBI raid their offices? And what about the politiicans who were bribed by them given campaign contributions?

Don't ask me. 

But the FBI has been busy raiding the real dangerous folk in the USA: 

They raided a UFO conspiracy guy and confiscated his stuff.

so why? Because anyone's crazy uncle who believes this stuff is a danger to the government?

Because maybe a lot of those UFO's were esperimental aircraft that they don't want you to know about? 

Or maybe UFOs exist and the powers that be don't want you to know about them? (/s). 

But of course, there are a lot of people out there making money off of such sightings.

Art Bell  Call your office. Maybe they were out to get you.

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