Friday, February 17, 2023

War opposition means give peace a chance.

 Many years ago, as a kid I read an interview with JFK that included a question about the Women strike for Peace which was essentially a pro communist group.

I was astonished to read JFK said he was happy that this group was out there, because it helped counter the pressure on him by the warmongers in the Pentagon who pressured him to make war.

Which is why, although I don't believe the JFK conspiracy theories, sometimes I do wonder.... so why are the documents released a couple months ago still have redacted areas?

Similarly, I supported the War in VietNam because as a Catholic we were aware of the massacres by the communists in North VietNam, and believed that a corrupt government that was a bit of a tyranny a bit better than a murderous totalitarian one, which is what happened after the US left. But the lies on both sides resulted in the debacle that led to the Chinese ethnics fleeing on boats and a lot of people dead in retraining camps, and even a man made famine that made the Vietnamese leaders decide communism might not work.

So here we have Jordan Peterson and Tulsi Gabbard discussing the war in the Ukraine. 


then we have Elon Musk, who gave them Starlink to defend themselve against the Russian invasion (at a time when most of the western countries figured that Ukraine would fall in a week, so dithered about helping them).

Musk says he plans to stop Starlink from being available to send drones to be aggressive against the Russians. The news reports are vague, and the twittersphere is going nuts calling him Hitler, but I suspect his is trying to stop escalation of the war with drones that could attack the Russian mainland.

as a result, the twittersphrere is full of talking parrots calling him Hitler because he won't toe the line.
But Musk is on record at stopping the war and making peace by letting Russian keep the areas of the Ukraine that are full of Russians, or the Crimea, which actually used to belong to the Ottoman empire, and long has supplied grain to the Middle East.

So Turkey, a member of NATO, also would like to make peace, but never mind.

and now with the earthquake destroying part of Turkey and Syria, spending money to continue a war that is spending money on destruction when money for emergency help is needed.

There is going to be a man made famine in the next year: because of the war on fossil fuel will make food more expensive, and the war on the Russians in the Ukraine is making potash and natural gas more expensive, not to mention slowing the export of grain to the middle East.

So who is saying give peace a chance?

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they catch hell from both sides.

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