Sunday, March 26, 2023

Tag Init; time to read cozy stories with the aircon on

It is Joy's birthday, but she went to her family's farm where her family will have an all day party and get together.

Because it is hot here (tag init, or the hot season) I declined to go and will stay inside my room with the air conditioner on.

Alas, the poor folk nearby will be getting sick and having strokes from the heat, so lots of elders asking for help to buy medicine.

Kuya was planning to do a rice harvest, but he has a cold and not feeling well and the rice is not quite ready, so he is staying home.

But the road repair men are still busy working to resurface the local road before the rains/monsoon starts in June. We are making sure they have ice water and some snacks for "merienda" (what Yanks call coffee breaks).

Kuya usually drives me to church for the 5 am Mass, but he sounded so miserable I told him to stay in bed and I went back to sleep.

Yes we have a Pentecostal church that meets here in our meeting room on Sunday, but I don't understand Tagalog enough to follow the sermons, and for Catholics, without the Eucharist it is just a prayer service.

Traditional Catholics believe receiving the sacrament is a personal link where Christ comes into your soul, and for those who say well, it's just a symbol, I can only quote the acid tongued Flannery O'Connor;

Well, toward morning the conversation turned on the Eucharist, which I, being the Catholic, was obviously supposed to defend. Mrs. Broadwater said when she was a child and received the Host, she thought of it as the Holy Ghost, He being the ‘most portable’ person of the Trinity; now she thought of it as a symbol and implied that it was a pretty good one.
I then said, in a very shaky voice, ‘Well, if it’s a symbol, to hell with it.’ That was all the defense I was capable of but I realize now that this is all I will ever be able to say about it, outside of a story, except that it is the center of existence for me; all the rest of life is expendable.


So anyway, I am busy reading (actually listening to ) the Miss Buncle series of Books on my Scribd. Some of the ebooks of the series can be borrowed on internet archive.

Sort of a Miss Marple minus the murders. No violence, and no sex (at least no sex scenes: at the end of Miss Buncle Married she is pregnant).

We even have resorted to watching Hallmark stories for our evening movie (a lot of old ones are on youtube). 

Part of this is because there are no interesting new movies on Netflix. The latest Luther film has five percent plot and 80 percent violence. Supercell is about chasing a tornado: but for those of us who once lived in Tornado alley, it's not exactly showing the reality of fleeing to the nearest tornado shelter so you don't get smashed by a storm, although the cinematography is beaustiful. Most of the Oscar winning films are boring (or confusing). And we do watch old TV shows and K dramas.

The news is the same, and the banking crisis is getting worse spreading to Europe and Asia.

So who do you trust? Dr C has a series of videos about how the problems with the mRNA vaccine were known or suspected or not really investigated when it was released. LINK...

I suspect this might be why the Philippine Dept of Health wouldn't sign a no liability clause so we could get this vaccine early, which meant over six month delay to get it

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