And WTF is going on with banks?
yes I know: It's about people moving their money to banks that have higher interest rates.
Except that this happened after the huge bitcoin bank collapse, a sort of bank that was run by grifters who spent a lot of their customer's money and gave money to all and sundry.
At the same time, I read a lot of stuff about these banks donating money to liberal political movements (BLM etc).
OK. If tech guys want to spend their money I might object, but when banks and businesses do it, essentially they are stealing money from investors and their customers (via higher prices).
What's wrong with this picture?
Wait a second: That's my money you are donating. We elders work hard and save our money, and then find instead of giving the interest back to us to live off of, you give it to grifters and politicians.
And I"m still unclear of how all those politicians in the US got rich while working for the government on a limited salary. Yes, donating to campaigns tends to be dirty and is a pseudo bribe (when I worked for the IHS the tribal authrities would donate to politicians of both parties so their needs would be a priority and not forgotten. Presumably this works for businesses too).
But when you hear of politicians wealth increasing while being in congress etc. I wonder what is going on. True, most hide it by having their spouses/children etc. get these lucrative overpaid jobs
this is common in a lot of countries, but the USA is supposed to be an honest country, where people trust that they won't be cheated.
That is why this is so dangerous for everyone.
what does it mean when I read about Swiss banks having problems? And that problem is causing bank problems in Asia.
There are a lot of videos and stories out there that explain these things to lowly retired grannies like me.
But you know, when I find that these same types lied to me about covid etc., a subject where I do have some knowledge why should I trust what they say when it comes to monatary shennanigans?
So what will happen? will the bankers who mismanaged their banks go to jail? Will those who ignored the danger and didn't tell the public hang their heads in shame? Will the economy collapse? Will the bank problems be used to push us all into digital currancy and personal digital identifiction?
One doubts this will happen.
the meme is: LOOK SQUIRREL.
They are salivating about arresting Trump for paying off a hooker (a common tactic because paying off frivelous suits is cheaper than going to court.)
And you can hear the hope in their voices that there will be another fake "uprising", helped out by outsiders who encourage violence (something that long predates Trump by the way...)
One halfway hopes this will work, since another alternative is to accidentally go to war.
The Chinese propaganda agasint the US helping the Philippines is all over the place, but mainly in the English language press, because the average Filipino hates China and doesn't trust them.
I joked to my son that he might find me on his doorstep if things go crazy.
I was only half joking: Been there, done that when I worked in Africa (twice actually). Long story.
the "look squirrel" distraction in covid is the story that China found a racoon dog infected with the covid virus was in the wet market.
the fact that cats and other animals can catch covid from humans suggests that maybe the animal was infected by a human, not the opposite. But never mind.
how convenient for this news to come out the week after the coverup of the lab accidental release has become something one can post on line without being censored.
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