Lots of stuff out there about AI etc.
Since I have essentially been off line since I had Dengue (which made me weaker, tire easily and have problems thinking), I am now trying to catch up with the stuff going on out there.
So here are a few videos that discuss what is going on with AI, which seems to be worrying Elon Musk etc.
Here are a few videos that discuss the problem mainly so I can watch them at my leisure.
The big problem?
manipulation, and at a higher level, the assumption that AI etc are independent of their programers.
So what is AI, and why are the lords of the internet/tech world worried about it?
A lot of the videos seem to imply that the AI stuff is actually thinking: see first video that implies this.
But that is not true:AI and chatbot stuff are just parroting what was built into them.
Garbage in/garbage out.
But most people are getting to the idea that the problem is AI itself doing bad stuff, not the danger that AI is being manipulated to manipulate you.
and just like people were silenced if they questioned the propaganda about covid by shouting "follow the science" at them, we soon will see us being manipulated by assuming what the AI/Chatbot is saying is the TRUTH with a capital T...and if you question them, you will become a heretic.
So who dares to say "the emperor is naked", that AI is not a new being that is an ubermensch that should boss you areound, but something that is being manipulated, for good or for bad?
I don't know what is worse: Those who see AI/Chatbot/the singularity leading to utopia, (which makes me wonder if this will form a state where ordinary folk will soon be seen as inferior by either the AI or their bosses ) or that AI is so dangerous we need to destroy it (which won't work at all).
Here is an explantion of how AI works that even I can understand.
AI and chatbot are legos.
Toward the end he goes into religious conspiracy theories, so be warned...
.....Longer discussion/rant about his theory that AI/Chatbot and UFO etc. are diabolical on my personal blog. LINK
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