Google blogger censors managed to pick up a 15 year old reference to the local terrorist group who cannot be named because they have the same initials as a reference to sexy old ladies.
So I mentioned that if they thought that was bad, they needed to check my medical blog.
Want some examples?
Recent posts:
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of tic toc
I discuss Dr. Malone's essay on the social hysteria behind the trans craze, with lots of links to articles with links.
This is crazy, and although no one wants to say it out loud, it is one reason that the US is becoming unpopular in the third world, because they are pushing the gender war ideas idea aggressively on countries that see the family as important.
Next article is on Monkey pox. Not only is the behavior behind this ignored, but the real scandal is that the CDC didn't fight it. NYTimes article praises the affluent white urban gay community for doing it themselves but ignore the racism behind the huge number of black men dying. (the CDC, rather than warn them, merely seems to condemn the black community for not being gay friendly). An earlier post about this failure to address the problem in the black and minority communities was posted here.
the next article is a link to a StrategyPage article on modern ways to stop bleeding and heal wounds.
Then I posted some stuff by Dr. C that are probably not PC in today's world
Covid conspiracy theories, about neurological problems after the vaccine.
Asking why no one bothered to notice the problems.
Covid coverup discussion where I posted an article so I could read it later
Covid coverup discussion video
Were some doctors killing Covid patients? Dr. C. discusses, and I add my two cents into the discussion.
Corruption of so called evidence based articles in medical journals
Lancet goes woke and equates humans to animals. They use the favorite myth of the indigenous societies to argue this, as if all indigenous people were the same (since I have worked with a dozen indigenous societies in the USA and in Africa, I despise this type of fallacy).
Essentially it is telling you to eat bugs, which are eaten by some people but not as a major protein or major calories source, another little fact that they never bring up. And they never mention things like the fact that some people are allergic to the bugs they think we should eat, or the "YUCK" factor.
The (pre Islamic) female circumsion as done in Africa is horrible and causes problems with sex, sexual pleasure, and childbirth. I saw these problems when I worked in Liberia.
And no don't blame Islam: it predates that religion, and is done by some pagan tribes in Africa....heck, even the Prophet urged to "just cut a little" when asked about it.
But what about this done as a simple ritual in SEAsia, in the world's largest Muslim country Indonesia (and in the southern Philippines) where it is essentially just a minor snip, not a full mutilation? Discussed here.
a discussion of the outbreak of Marburg virus. They are touting this as the next big thing in today's news, but I don't think so.
By the way: Did you know that vaccines stopped the Ebola outbreak in Central Africa? \More here.....Anti Vaxers didn't notice because they hate all vaccines, and the MSM didn't care because they are just Africans, and all Africans look alike and the place is a mess. (note to censors: This is sarcasm).
I am old enough to remember when we used horse serum antibodies against diseases. Well, the modern version of this is monoclonal antibodies: And here I link to an article on using them for yellow fever.
the use of vaccine to stop the yellow fever epidemic in Angola a couple of years ago never hit the news, except in China, because a couple of Chinese workers brought the disease back to China, but luckily they didn't spread it to local mosquitoes.
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