Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Out of Africa

GetReligionblog reports that the Anglican bishops in Africa have rejected the leadership of the bishop of Canterbury, essentially saying the see of St Augustine is empty. (St Augustine of Canterbury evangelized the Anglo Saxons and reestablished Christianity in England. The See refers to the seat/location i.e. area governed by the bishop).

more on this on my Africa blog.


the push for modernists to take over mainline churches has pretty well done so in the USA, but not in these churches in Africa and Asia.

A similar fight will happen in the Catholic church of course: the Pope's political correctness in looking the other way on moral issues and heresy while pushing liberation theology and trendy green initiatives that will make poor people stay poor (read live their wonderful back breaking hunger filled traditional lifetsyle) has resulted in a deluge of Christians in Latin America and the Philippines becoming good Evangelical or Pentocostal Christians.


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