Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Screening for snowflakes

 I have been blogging on blogger since we moved to the Philippines and I had to stop my AOL account.

No problem, until now.

I am receiving oodles of emails saying that some of my blogposts have been flagged for review because they contain bad stuff.

italics mine.

Since I don't sell stuff, I presume that either A: I posted something graphic when discussing a medical matter, or maybe I posted a conspiracy theory even though I usually lable these conspiracy theories.

Much of what I blog is a personal diary of what I am doing and what I think, started as a way to communicate with my brother in the USA.

But some of my blogging is about things that should be considered as reporting, such as the many pro Duterte posts I have written, explaining why he is popular among working class Filipinos in the area.(hint: Crime is down).

Then there might be stuff that is too graphic for snowflakes to read.

I am a physician, so blogposts about infectious disease, trauma, FGM, various epidemics, including covid are based on 45 years of clinical experience, working in Africa and the poorer areas of the USA.

This includes my observations abut the epidemics of drugs, violence including school shootings, child abuse, sex abuse of  children of by relatives, teachers, clergy, or by sex tourism... my observations on acceptance or non acceptance of gay people in various cultures is also based on my clinical observations...and then I sometimes report on STDs related to promiscuity... not to menion maybe not being PC about covid.

One post flagged was about a movie review I posted on the film Ender's Game (2014), ( the author of the book, who is LDS, was being banned because his church, like Catholics, were supporting a pro marriage movement years ago.).. 

But why was was one 2009 post about volcanoes in the Philippines flagged? I think it was because I linked to a local news article stating that bras could be used as a mask to protect the lungs from fine lava dust. (this is Filipino humor by the way).

But the reason I wonder about this: Some of the blog posts are as early as 2007.

So the blog post from 15 years ago is now found to upset snowflakes? No one complained about it until now?

italics mine.

So are all posts on all blogger accounts being censored? Or did some snowflake report me and then the experts at google decided to post warning flags on every post that is not politically correct?

And why? I mean, it's not like I have a lot of readers: I used to get about 50 a day, until I posted something not politically correct a year or two ago, and then voila, it quickly dropped to an average of 10 a day. Which means someone spiked my blog from Google Search.

Oh well: it's not like I need the income (/s).

But Kuya just laughed (he does believe in NWO conspiracies) and said I told you so...


 hmmm... maybe Blogger is doing searches for illegal word and found some on my blog:

maybe they found I am a Catholic: Nat Catholic Reporter notes they are infiltrating the radical trads and even getting sources in the liberal Catholic groups to spy on them. (didn't they do this to mosques? But I guess someone found out that Guy Fawkes and John Wilkes Booth were Catholics, so they aren't taking a chance).

and how are they finding out who to censor? Was the FBI hinting they needed to do this?

from Instapundit

‘RED-PILLED:’ FBI docs label people who use term as extremists


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