Sunday, June 18, 2023

Taking lessons from Kafka

 Conservative treehouse dissects the spin on Trumpieboy, and it looks like a full court press to find a crime, not an honest request.

first he notes how the media is spinning the narrative, but not telling you where they got that information.

One of the ways you can immediately detect federal Lawfare deployment is to look at how media articles are written when they outline court filings without direct citation for review. ....

Notice both national publications talk about a DOJ court filing, presumably made under seal, that limits President Trump’s defense access to materials and documents used in the case against him. 

under seal means not public information. So how did the reporters get this information? An illegal leak? Or a leak to manipulate public opinion?

 That media context is a BIG red flag indicating the need to ‘create a narrative’ is more important than the actual substance of the evidence material underpinning it.

Because knowing General Milley wanted to invade Iran, something that Trump opposed (which is why he kept the memo: to show how the DOD was working against his policies)? Or was it because Trump stopped a possible nuclear war by North Korea by befriending that lonely guy, instead of provoking nuclear war? One missing document is the letter where President Obama warned him about NKorea planning to use nukes, and other missing items listed are the personal letters to Trump who befriended the NK President....(CTH posts source of this last item.) Hence, the leaks claim he was hiding nuclear secrets.

now let's get into conspiracy theories:

The DOJ wants to limit public knowledge of the material evidence, not because it would harm national security – but rather because the nature of the evidence itself would highlight to the nation how fraudulent the targeting is. This is the guaranteed DOJ motive, that’s why everything is under seal and even the media will not talk about how they are gaining their leak knowledge. This is LAWFARE narrative engineering at its apex deployment.


Isn't leaking information a crime? 

Yes and no:

Daniel Ellsburg's leaks showed the lies about VietNam by the DOD. And despite the press silence about the Hue massacres and the horrors committd by the communist regime after the US left that war, he is considered a hero. 

However, Kathleen Kane's leaks to the press about corruption in certain Philadelphia politicians ended up with her going to jail, but the crooked politicans stayed in place.

It is hard to argue that Trumpieboy being a packrat is the same as trying to leak or sell information to designated US enemies, or even that it endangered anyone. 

Despite those photos of boxes, the actual documents cited were only a few dozen, and one suspects few had anything to do with present day US policies.

the dirty little secret is that there is no logical reason to make a lot of documents classified: and this is especially true if those items were a couple years old.

So cui bono

 is this part of a pattern of hiding government interference in the Trump administration and the last two elections?

if people don't think their votes count, does it mean they will just stay home and keep quiet?

there are a lot of implications about this prosecution: Because if they can destroy Trumpieboy on this minor charge, it means that no whistleblower is safe.


so why did I cite Kafka?

Kafka's work is characterized by nightmarish settings in which characters are crushed by nonsensical, blind authority. Thus, the word Kafkaesque is often applied to bizarre and impersonal administrative situations where the individual feels powerless to understand or control what is happening.

Daniel Ellsburg call your office: 

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