As I noted in the past, here in the Philippines, trans, baclas and tomboys are accepted because they are seen as part of the family. But like second wives, the sexual implications of their choice is hidden: hypocracy? No Hiya. Shame. What they are doing is looked down on by society, so they keep it secret.
A person who openly breaks the customs is the outcast because walang hiya: without shame, Because the dirty little secret is that in poor countries, it is the family who supports you, not the welfare state.
So the presence of baclas etc is not seen as a threat to the family because they acknowledge the importance of their family and the family accepts them. For example. that is why, when a USMarine killed a trans prostitute when he found she was a he, the news (except for the US activists who manipulate the news here) didn't stress homophobia, but the fact that this person was supporting her extended family by this work.
In contrast, in the USA, the gender revolutions (later feminist trends, and the hedonistic fringe of gay rights) are tainted by an open hatred of the institution of the family, which they see as limiting their right to be free of any restraint or disapproval of their conduct.
italics mine. Traditionally, gay sex was once seen as something one did: now it is supposed to define you and be the center of your life, as who you are. Not work, not family, not partner: as if promiscous sex is the be all and end all of life, and the hell with anything that interferes with one's pleasures.
The anti family part of this agenda is why even the pro gay Pope Francis has condemned the gender theory as cultural imperialism that could destroy the family and family oriented culture of poorer countries. Because without behavioral restrait, the family bonds of trust become unstable.
The problem? In the USA, personal freedom is a major cultural icon. And in recent times the sexual revolution, with the help of reliable contraceptives and a welfare state, has used this idea to enhance the freedom of the individual in the sexual realm. But at what cost? Divorce, children without fathers, abortion, and a lonely old age...
no, the destruction of the family didn't start with gay rights, and the request for gay marriage was about gays wanting a family life, not about destroying family ties.
Unfortunately, that request morphed into a way for the anti family pro freedom activists to destroy their main enemy: Churches and individuals who hold a belief in traditional morality.
Not everyone believes in the idea of a free but isolated individual. As I have pointed out elsewhere, over 40 million Americans are part time or full time unpaid caregivers of their family or friends.
in most countries, this emphasis on family members helping one anothr is even more true.
In the Philippines, this LATimes article on Philippine culture notes that this is similar to the Confucian idea that you are not an isolated individual but part of the family and this includes family obligations to help each other.
the expectations her family has are rooted in the cultural value of utang na loob, which translates to “debt of gratitude.” It refers to reciprocity and doing what’s good for the collective. In a listening session with 16 Filipino Americans from across the U.S., the majority of participants shared similar experiences about the pressure of putting family first as a common source of tension.
the article is essentially a hit piece saying that this tension of individual rights vs family obligations causes depression. Alas true. And this theme is a common plot in K drama that are so popular in Asia. But what they don't notice is that it works both ways: yes caring for each other means they also care for you.
I see this here, where I took early retirement to move here to care for my husband but stayed ... and now, after a bout with severe Dengue fever, require the family to help me.
Well, back to the culture wars:
It seems that in the USA, the idea that Heather has two mommies (and tolerance for same sex couples living together as a family) has now been replaced by activists who promote things like drag queen story hours by drag queens who don't look like women but look like diabolic visions from hell.
And then I read about books with explicit pictures and themes promoting sex of all sorts of stuff. This is indeed grooming children: And the parents are starting to push back.
One doubts if parents would object to children's clothings supporting gay rights as one of many designs on the shelf: But putting it out front promoting it was different.
And I wonder why no one noticed the reason the tuck friendly women's bathing suits were controversial: Hint: it implied that it was okay that fully functional men could now go into women's changing rooms. Hint number two: Perverts are much more common than trans folk.
so instead of seeing gays as part of the family, and accepting gay families, these activists are pushing anti family themes, and themes that encourage promiscuity as normal, and ridiculing you if you object.
Which upsets a lot of gays who just want to settle down quiety and raise their kids.
So what is the next step? Ridiculing religion.
Because conservative Christians still hold to traditional morality. And not just those Christians: GetReligion blog notes that the Muslims are also opposing this sexualization of children and teaching non Islamic values to children who attend public schools.
One doubts that major institutions would promote and reward people wearing black face in minstral shows, but now we not only are doing this to those who ridicule women, but those who ridicule religious women who have done so much to establish schools and hospitals that aided both Catholics and non Catholics.
Yes, Dodgers and California, I'm talking about you.
The day they plan to celebrate anti Catholicism is a minor Catholic feast (of the Sacred Heart, an icon that stresses the love of God for man). So it is a double insult.
Well, anyway, in recent months, the Catholic bishops have been promoting Eucharistic processions: Where the Catholic faithful march singing hymns and saying prayers, led by a priest who carries the Eucharist.
So guess where Bishop Srrickland plans the next one?
hmm...wonder if anyone will show up?
Strickland is already in deep doodoo with some in the Vatican for being a Catholic, so I guess he figures it can't get worse.
Cardinal Sin call your office. They need your inspiration.
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