Friday, August 04, 2023

Don't know much about history: Smallpox and Fort Ticonderoga

a couple of years ago, I watched  the miniseries John Adams to learn about the US Revolution. 

And they have a short segment when Abigail innoculates her kids with a mild case of small pox to protect them from getting a full blown case of the disease. 

this was before Jenner discovered innoculating a person with cowpox would give you immunity: Before then, the only prevention was innoculation. of the actual smallpox germ: which could of course kill you but usually only give you a mild version of the disase.

And there is an argument that Washington saved the revolution because he ordered all of his men to get innoculated before joining the army fighting near Boston which was in the middle of an epidemic.

such films are a way to teach history, but still when we see a major TV commentator be clueless (and no one dares to correct him) it makes one wonder about the vericity of American news programs.

a more recent miniseries is moving into the timeline of the US revolution:  Outlander

Well, anyway, in this season. Jamie and Claire fight the Battle of Ticonderoga.:


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