Monday, August 21, 2023

so where do kids come in?

 Many years ago, in the chaos of the 1960s rejection of normality, I read the praise of the modern way to see the world, The Aquarian conspiracy that saw people channeling their own thing and then networking to make utopia. Ebook here.

a lot of what she wrote about has since then come true, but maybe those inside this revolution are too close to it to see what I saw as a problem: It is about self actualization. But there is no place in it for children, babies, caring for the sick and elderly  because sacrificing your own wants for the family or spouse, etc, is not part of the Aquarian ideals...Indeed, there was no place in their utopia for the weak or inferior.

What stood in the way in the USA were the churches. 

Hence the infiltration of Vatican II, and now the struggle of the Catholics against an anti pope who talks a lot about nice charitable stuff that I agree with, but if you look closer, appoints minions whose goal is the opposite... His agenda spouts charity work, but it is tone deaf to Jesus. I mean, he tells people to follow the green religion and help the poor but ignores that this means the poor are outliers, sort of pets for the strong to dabble with so they feel virtuous, and alas too often destroy when they put their green agenda in front of stuff like growing cheap food because that requires fossil fuel. And there is nothing in it about serving God in the humble everyday tasks of life.

Oh well, I have ranted about this before.

The second thing that has to be destroyed to promote a utopian societyis the family.

Judism, and it's daughters Christianity and Islam, have always defended the strong family, and to do so insisted on limiting sex outside of the family and puts crimps into women who seek to do their own thing free of family ties.

the limitation of both men and women's outside goals is part and parcel of a stable family life: nor is this just a western idea: Confucius, confronted with chaos and societal breakdown wrote strict rules to follow to reestablish the family.

well, anyway, the Trojan horse to destroy the family is gay marriage. Too often, we only read the theological objections that seem to be out of touch with out touchy feely generation: Love is love isn't it, and so let them marry. 

Except apparently no one has looked at the deep roots behind that agenda.

Real Clear Investigations has an expose on gay theology in the major theology schools that apparently has gone on for thirty years without a lot of publicity.

read it and weep.

and two podcasts from First Things magazine discuss these changes.


Tolorating the third sex is not the same as pushing the gay agenda: we manage to do this here in the Philippines, where baclas and tomboys and third sex are accepted as part of our extended family: not approval of their behavior or letting the radical agenda to destroy the family (despite the US State Dept pressure to do so by pushing laws on gay rights, abortion and divorce) but acceptance as part of our family.

But one only has to read the dissadents who the present anti Pope is letting run things behind his nice rhetoric to see their agenda is to change church dogma to push this PC agenda.

We need inclusion they cry. (i.e. everyone except Catholics believing what the church taught until Francis took over are welcome). 

One sees this in his latest stunt, aka the synod on synodality, which is being touted as including lay people and women, but if you look closely, most of these outsiders have an identical agenda. so the meeting is not about an honest discussion, but  will merely be a way to rubber stamp the already chosen agenda of the so called reformers.


 Steven Mosher interviews Dr. Thomas Ward, president of the John Paul II Academy for Human Life and the Family, who warns that the upcoming Synod on Synodality could lead to a 'radical paradigm shift on Catholic morality on life and the family.'...
Dr. Ward himself, along with a number of other outspokenly pro-life members of the PAV, was asked to leave the Academy by the incoming Archbishop Paglia, who has since taken the Academy in, it is fair to say, a very different direction than JPII intended.

read the whole interview: An excerpt: 

Steven Mosher:  Dr. Ward, as the President of the JPII Academy for Human Life and Family, how do you and other members of the Academy view the upcoming Synod on Synodality, which will be held in Rome from October 4 to 29?
Dr. Thomas Ward:  I and many other members of our Academy are deeply concerned that the Synod on Synodality will be used to affect a radical paradigm shift on Catholic morality on life and the family.
Steven Mosher: That’s a bold claim that will shock many. Can you substantiate it?
Dr. Ward: Yes, I can. Let me quote the words of senior churchmen who are openly working for this radical paradigm shift in Catholic morality, starting with Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, whom Pope Francis appointed to head the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV). In the words of Archbishop Paglia, the role of PAV is to accept the invitation contained in paragraph 3 of his Apostolic Constitution Veritatis Gaudium (the Apostolic Constitution on Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties) for a radical paradigm shift in theological reflection. … to render a service to the Magisterium by opening up a space for dialogue that makes research possible and encourages it.


Steven Mosher: So that striking phrase, “radical paradigm shift,” comes from Francis himself.
Dr. Ward: A paradigm is a conceptual framework. Paradigm shifts in science arise when the dominant paradigm is thrown into crisis by new information. The result is that the previous paradigm is replaced by a new conceptual framework or system of beliefs. But bear in mind that in this case the “paradigm” in question is our system of Catholic beliefs.


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