Tuesday, October 24, 2023

chose civilization over barbarians

 once, when Genghis Khan's (or his successor's) hoards were planning to invade Egypt, they asked the Crusader states to help them, pointing out that the Muslims were their common enemy. The French king thought that was a good idea, but the Pope, who had eyewitness accounts of their atrocities including the massacres of Baghdad, sent a letter urging them to chose civilization over the barbarians. One result: These states stayed neutral and stopped that invasion, altough a later one did succeed.

the problem with supporting Palestine is that a lot of their suffering is man made: No, not Israel but the fact that they are not welcome in Arab countries. Millions of refugees in other parts of the world have been resettled after various wars and made a life, but the UN and the Arab countries preferred to keep the Palestinian people hostage as refugees. This let a lot of Arab dictators and the Iranian dictatorship to point to Israel ("look squirrel") to distract their own people from their corruption and atrocities... 

It also meant letting the radicals take over and educate the population if they killed all Israelis they too would be rich. And indeed, it is this culture of hatred why a lot of Arab countries don't want them: These so called refugees destablize their host countries. And of course to make it worse, Hamas and Hezbollah are Iranian proxies: and although no one wants to say it out loud, the idea is for Iran to take over the middle east. 

Ah but the radical left, who has taken over the Democratic party and much of the MSM and universities, prefer to shout PC slogans than look truth in the face. 

So do you side with the barbarians whose one sided propaganda is not questioned, or do you side with those trying to remove the barbarians who hide among civilians hoping that if they are killed, or their weapons are destroyed, that they can show innocent bodies to pretend that killing civilians was the aim of Israel? 

So the MSM spread Hamas propaganda of a hospital destroyed by an Israeli bomb, implying that this was a deliberate attack on civilians. However it turns out that it was probably an errant missile of their own that fell into a parking lot (causing a huge fireball of rocket fuel, but no crater as an Israeli missile would have left) and few deaths.

But the story was not pulled for several days, resulting in world wide riots against Israel (openly saying their aim was to kill all Jews, not just in Israel). Because leftism.

so where is the outrage against this fake news?

So todaý's propaganda? two hostages allowed to leave Ah, but what about the rest of them? Releasing the hostages and arresting those who planned this might actually stop the war, but never mind. Instead we have repeated sob stories of innocent civilians who are caught in the middle, and the Arab world and the leftist world has taken over the narrative with propaganda.

 Yup. Hiding among civilians will result in civilian casualties, but never mind. They are considered involuntary martyrs to the cause.

And the original story of course if forgotten. Anyone? Anyone?

cue to John Bachelor, who last time I looked was not Jewish so hopefully this won't get him ignored. As for me, I can only echo the words of JRRTolkien: “I regret that I appear to have no ancestors of that gifted people,"



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