Strickland, 65, has been particularly critical of Francis’ recent meeting on the future of the Catholic Church during which hot-button issues were discussed, including women in governance roles and ways to better welcome LGBTQ+ Catholics. In a tweet earlier this year, Strickland accused the pope of “undermining the deposit of faith.",,,
Italics mine.
How dare he believe what Catholics have believed in for 2000 years. And how dare he preach clearly: I guess he didn't get the memo on how to confuse people by using jargon from the 1960s...
Now I tend to think the trads are overdoing it a bit and tend to be on the social justice side of the church, but you need both: And to do social justice work leads to burn out if you don't have a relationship with Jesus to get you through the hard times.
But my main annoyance at the SJW is that they seem to think if you don't do that type of work you aren't really a Christian....
The SJW emphasis makes the meaning of religion all about them and their deeds, leaving the rest of us out to be scolded by them as self centered and rigid because we still believe in the ten commandments and think we can serve God by ordinary work and caring for our family... sort of like Mama Mary, who was a simple housewife and mother.
In other news, we went to early mass this morning and it was packed and overflowing, and people dressed in good clothes.
Usually this mass is full of workers who attend before they go to work, and so most are in blue jeans and tee shirts or casual clothing.
And I noticed lots of vendors were in the parking lot selling small statues of Jesus and the cross.... hmmm... What is going on?
The church is sponsoring (a replica of) the Black Nazarene.
The Black Nazarene is a statue of Jesus carrying the cross, and is black in colour from a fire.
The Black Nazarene devotion is about picking up our cross and following Jesus, who also suffered like we do and will help us in our suffering.
This is how one teaches the faith in the days before everyone could read or write: Through stories and fiestas, and with pictures or statues that remind one that Jesus cares for us, and stories of the struggles and joys of the saints help us see God in our daily life.
"The kernel is the belief that God is love and, in Catholicism, God's love is present in the world. It is in the sacraments, in the Eucharist, in our families, in our friends, in our neighborhood, and forgiveness in the touch of a friendly hand, in a rediscovered love God is there." ~ Andrew Greeley
here is a picture of the statue at a similar visit to a nearby town:
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