Monday, December 25, 2023

Not the usual Christmas movies

 I like Christmas movies but you know, all those G rated Hallmark Christmas romances seem to be clueless. Doesn't anyone in Hallmark land (or barbie land) go to church? It is all about decorations and happy romances between attractive people who never get their manicured nails dirty.

But there are a few stories out there that seem to remember the meaning of Christmas .

Here is one Anime one with various themes that would be considered PC today except that it is Japanese and made years ago:


Based on the old movie Three Godfathers


I read somewhere that LesMis was written because some objected to the evil priest in the Hunchback of Notre Dame: so the author knowing that most priests were good, decided to write a good priest into his plot: and that it is actually based on a bishop in one of the poorer areas of France.

if my fondness for such films seems to go against my screeds against the gay relationship blessing, it is because I suspect Fernandez actions are not about charity but about pushing the gender agenda that certain affluent Europeans have been behind for the last 30 years...i.e. a stealth way to destroy the idea of sin, and along the way will destroy the family (divorce, abortion, euthanasia) and the sacredness of the Mass and the Eucharist (downgrading it from Christ's body and blood to merely a symbol for anyone to take).

So in the midst of a scandal which threatens to break up the Catholic church, why have hope?

Christmas is about hope: About renewal, about family. and how God renews our life, and about the hope in times of despair, and the renewal of life that every child brings into the world.


here everyone who can will return to their homes to celebrate Christmas with their families. The roads near Manila are full of traffic, and people are crowding the rail and bus terminals to get home. And not just from the cities to their rural villages:

PhilInquirer headline:

Near 60,000 daily arrivals in PH as holidays approach

some are tourists but most are Philipinos who are OFW working overseas on temporary visas, or who have immigrated overseas to find jobs and live in their new country: Many support their families here but try, like my husband Lolo, to return yearly to keep up family ties.


and remember; as you give, so shall you receive:

but remember: there are always second chances in life.

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