Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Scandals: We haz them at the Vatican

Blogger Vox Cantoris, who is infamous for catching a big shot priest from the saltandlight network for serial plagiarism, is now reporting that several Catholic sites that have actually read books in Spanish from the nincompoop who is pushing blessings of "irregular" unions and finding that they are x rated.

Pornographic books? Don't ask me: I am busy and don't have time to check it out. '

But it sounds like X rated excerpts of Father Greeley's novels, which are the R rated version of JP2's Theology of the body. In other words, similar to saying Deep Throat is the same as the Song of Songs.

CNA report says the guy insists he wouldn't write such stuff today.

okay then. So resign and repent.

But instead he is pushing the same ideas, mixing them with good stuff to camouflage what is being promoted, and giving the naive and the manipulative narcissists a way to pretend it doesn't say what it actually says.

His decree released in the name of the Pope says there is no problem with blessing irregular unions (i.e. polygamy, gay partnerships including the many relationships which often are not monogamous if the statistics are to be believed, and those of divorced Catholics who somehow didn't meet the very low standards to get an annulment)... 

Written in confusing unclear language, and at the end to shut up the opposition he includes a clause that insisted he would not clarify it. And when there was an uproar, he put out two clarifications that only emphasized the confusing language and again saying shut up.

the MSM is gleefully promoting this as blessing of gay unions and coming soon full gay marriage and eliminating Thou shalt not commit adultery from the ten commandments

however, like the gender stuff being pushed by the English Anglicans, this call for blessing is making the Christians elsewhere revolt. (not just Catholics but the orthodox bishops and many Christian leaders of other churches have objected.)

Oh, it's a private blessing he insists, but then you see photos of these blessings in the press, and a picture is worth a thousand words... 

The African bishops are up in arms about this, since many of them have faced real persecution and death threats for being Christian and defending human rights, and are apparently not afraid of mean tweets.

Could schism be far behind? 

But the MSM reports this not as a serious dogmatic error that could lead to schism, but merely as a "mixed reception" to the document (read: most bishops in the affluent white European countries where no one attends church, support it. So who cares if some  third world bishops who say: wait a second this is against the Bible.)

Francis has done similar things before, but this crossed a line since it was an official document. This meant it went beyond an informal comment on an airplane to the press, like saying "who am I to judge" about hiring a bishop with a known moral problem to run the Vatican Bank

He is not willing to judge a guy whose sexual peccadillos leave him open to blackmail? No problem, maybe because he can blackmail anyone who tries to point a finger at him...

However, the Pope's comments could be understood as not judging the sincerity of someone who has repented, which is what Catholics have always believed: and this applies  to all types of sinners who repented their sins and were who humbly trying to live a sinless life. 

But instead, the PC press reported the Pope as if he said gay sex of any sort was ok.

This more recent document however is a bit harder for the Catholics to ignore: That is why it has a lot more people out there saying the Pope is a heretic, and some are hinting that maybe someone out there should do something about it.

On the fringe however people like Ann Barnhardt who  continue to point out that the irregularities in Benedict's resignation and the irregularities in the election of Pope Francis are insisting that that legally he is not the pope. She is now posting on Rumble with all the other conspiracy theorists who got thrown off of youtube for non pc opinion.

update: Cardinal Sarah's discussion of the problem is translated and posted here,

 is discussed here.

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