Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Drugs in the Americas

 From the website of Bishop Gracida: a summary of the explosion of gang violence in the USA and Latin American countries. by Marvin L. Covault,Lt Gen US Army, retired

too long for me to summarize here: just read it and weep.

here the shabu/meth problem comes from China.

Duterte's reputation was so frightening that many stopped taking drugs and many retired from pushing, knowing that they would be killed, not arrested and then left go. Kuya tells the story of two drug pushers in our farm area: One disappeared, and his friend got the message and left town.

Repeat this by hundreds or thousands and it means I can walk down the street again. That's why Duterte got 80 percent of folk supporting him, while the international human rights folk are busy trying to prosecute him. But of course it's really because he hated the CIA, and they tried to stop him by manipulating the press etc. Rappler didn't fund itself.

I believe the Chinese saying is kill a chicken to scare the monkey. 

Not very nice, but the problem with mass incarceration is what is seen in Haiti, where the gangs got their friends out of jail and are now terrorizing the entire country.

and what about the victims? JPeterson discusses what could work with the homeless drug addicts.

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