Thursday, March 14, 2024

Headlines we got um

a follow up of my previous rant about Iran being the puppetmaster behind the latest war against Israel and the west:


all the stuff on Gaza casualties is of course exaggerated and much of it is violence porn and sophisticated so that it makes you want to hate Israel. but never mind. 


and then there is this.

remember this guy has a secret clearance, showing you that all that any nincompoop can get a security clearance.


and a virus experts explains why banning gain of function research is like silencing Galileo. But unlike Galileo, he didn't kill a couple million folks with a lab leak.

most biolabs are about identifying illnesses in animals: an example would be when Ebola Reston infected a bunch of pigs in a nearby farm. But a year ago there was a story here about EcoHealth trying to fund a lab here, not to help with these needed investigations, but to investigate illnesses in wild animals that might evolve to hurt humans. Luckily the Senate stopped it because they found the US Dept of Defence was funding it. But nothing in the news since then, so I hope the gov't stopped them from doing germ warfare stuff here.

and another story of how an expert who opposed some of the covid shutdown policies was punished.

it was the Great Barrington Declaration.

see above post about Galileo. But hey, it's okay to use a 400 year old mistake to destroy Catholicism, but don't dare criticize Pope Fauci.

and the rot isn't limited to the medical leaders in the CDC and medical societies/journals that should have published these questions.

Audit of Boeing's practices suggests a sloppiness that is dangerous and might sink that company's ability to sell airplanes. And the "suicide" of a whistleblower right before he was scheduled to testify makes things worse.

and a lot of people are now willing to stand up and say: Wait a second.


I thought Dr Phil was a new age guru in Oprah's religion. But now he is talking to Jordan Peterson?!


years ago, an Irish friend told me the press was very anti Catholic because they saw the church standing in the way of modern policies of what we call woke. So far they have succeeded, but last week's vote suggested push back.

of course this is the spin by the experts that give you an idea of how this is being reframed to explain why those deplorables didn't do it.

reminds one how they pushed a hysterical narrative about a death of a woman from sepsis from a botched and illegal second trimester abortion into the need to legalize abortion.

The bad news is that after Ireland rejected the Mastrict treaty, they simply started a propaganda campaign and promises of prosperity and it squeaked through in a revote.

so expect the same thing here.


finally, I know nothing about tiktok, but the addiction to social media was made worse by the isolation during the covid quarantines. It is not good for one's mental health, and you can be quickly sucked into a rabbit hole of the latest thing. But heck, talk radio has done that for years. The difference? The kids are more vulnerable to being groomed/brainwashed.


Rand Paul's take on the issue:

As to China mining data: heck, the FBI is doing that already from Facebook, 

and of course Chinese hackers stole my OPM file a couple years ago, along with the OPM files of over a million military and gov't employees. We were told it was criminals, but hey it was the Chinese gov't who now knows all about us.

The answer might be to take cellphones away from vulnerable kids.

My sister in law forbad facebook years ago because her daughter's skating team was ridiculed so much it was putting her into a deep depression. I should note that since then, she has skated with a professional ice skating company for one season, but now has switched to being a physical therapist instead of a PhysEd teacher for team skating.

I stopped going to facebook about four years ago because it was full of hate stuff posted by friends and relativesm, and have had to limit my tweeting viewership because of this extreme partisanship distorts reality.

And hey, with the election coming, it will get worse.

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