Saturday, March 02, 2024

Propaganda vs nuances

Father Leo has a video about the trans kerfuffle.

the poorly written ambiguous letter from Pope Francis about blessing couples in irregular relationships is getting pushback from a lot of Yanks, because a lot of us saw how teenage boys were abused by priests in the USA in the past because the influential experts said there was nothing wrong with this. 

Now I read it is worse:  with the sexualization of children at many levels, including gender training in grade schools and internet porn, a lot of parents rightly worry Pope Francis' stonewalling protests over blessing gay couple has nothing to do with blessing people, but is actually about going along with the woke agenda to throw out sexual sin in the name of the latest trend in society..

This is not paranoia, given the actions of some very important bishops such as Cardinal McElroy openly saying

it is becoming clear that on some issues the understanding of human nature and moral reality upon which previous declarations of doctrine were made were in fact limited or defective?

whoops. Guess we gotta throw out Thou shalt not commit adultery as non scientific and out of date.

What's next? Thou shalt not kill? (abortion, euthanasia are sitting in the wings). Honor thy father and thy mother (euthanasia is more convenient and cheaper). And how about thou shalt not steal? (don't prosecute shoplifters, ignore all that money in politicians bank accounts).

But Father Leo is seeing this through the eyes of FIlipino culture, where family matters, and where baclas and tomboys and trans and people who have second wives are not seen as sinners but as weak, people trying to do the right thing despite their weaknesses. 

the bad news? The western press sees this Filipino acceptance of family members who are gay as the same as acceptance of the gay agenda/ gender agenda being pushed by many western governments on poorer countries.

This started as just being nice to people but has quickly grown to grooming children, pushing trans as a trendy solution to emotional problems, and allowing pornography in grade school libraries.

Most parents are aghast. Heck, even most gays are aghast at this trend to sexualize children, but the cyberbullies attack anyone who dares post such an opinion, so you might not know about this.

And this is where Pope Francis made his mistake: in an attempt to be nice, he is naive. Everyone but him knows that the so called reformers will twist his words and actions to change the church into a morality free zone. And only some Yanks, and the African bishops seeing the danger dare to stand up to him and refuse to bless sin.

But we live in a globalized world. So the bad news? the gospel of woke is spreading even here, thanks to the US influence and social media. the trans etc. fads are in the upper class high schools in Manila according to my granddaughter who teaches there.

Yet ordinary folk continue to say no, and vote with their feet (hence the huge increase of Filipinos joining Protestant churches here, a phenomena also happening in Latin America).  

The trendier than thou brag about inclusion, but the reality is that Gresham's law applies: just like bad money drives out good money, institutions pushing inclusiveness of those bragging about their sins are seen as excluding those who live by the rules. 

as Father Leo explains: Those with same sex attraction can be welcome in the church, the same way that alcoholics and drug addicts and people living in irregular marriages can do this. By humbly trying to live a good life even if one's situation makes full repentance hard.

not going around flaunting the sin and blaming others for not accepting one's sin.

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