Thursday, May 16, 2024

Child sex trafficking in the Philippines

 TeaAtTrianon post a link to this article on cybersex abuse in the Philippines.

Read the whole thing.

More HERE.

Youtube and facebook let these people get away with it, and it took a court case for the Manila police to try to track who is behind one scam.


The first article notes: often the parents are poor and doing it for money: so when you rescue the child, they don't understand why you are doing this and see those trying to rescue them from a home where they are exploited and abused as if the rescuer, not the abusive parent, is the bad person who takes them away from the parent they love.

as an adoptive mother I have to add this:

That is the backstory to a lot of the stories the press likes to tell of bad orphanages and bad adoption: (back story of this: if orphanages and adoptions are a good alternative, hey they can't justify abortion).

Alas, since  the kids view the rescuer as evil, they subconsciously often reconfigure their memories to project the abuse memories from  their original parent who didn't want them or had abused them to the ones trying to help them., and then they project the stories about that abuse from their original family on the rescuer. Link here discusses this problem.

We were told that if we adopted a girl from Asia, she probably had been abused sexually, even if she was preschool age. And a lot of the boys were abused also: but less about this is documented because the victims won't talk about it.


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