Friday, May 03, 2024

conspiracy theories again.

 I have posted Dr Campbell about conspiracy theories on hiding the side effects of the covid shot.' Here is his latest discussion.

these were indeed a lot of side effects reported in the medical literatures but not well publicized because it was feared people might not get the shot.

A lot of kerfuffle about the AZ vaccine (not the mRNA) causing blood clots, but I remember reading about that when I got the AZ vacccine in summer 2021. The rate of clots was highest in young men and lower in elders, so the Philippines only gave that vaccine to elders and high risk folk (at a time when people were dying of Covid pneumonias). Our staff got the Chinese sinovax, even though by then studies in Indonesia showed it was not very good. The problem with the mRNA vaccine are twofold: One: new technology. Two A lot of the side effects seem to be from the covid spike protein and can be from actual infection. Three, of course, is that once omicron varient hit, there was no logical reason to continue getting boosters, except maybe in nursing homes.

But when Biden places the granmom killer Levine as a high level decision maker in the PHS, it shows no one took that problem seriously.

There was a delay in getting the mRNA vaccine here because the DOH would not sign the paperwork that included a non liability agreement. But I guess they relented because later they used it for kids to reopen the sshools.

So did we have covid shot related deaths? well, one of the problems is that when young men die suddenly , we blame bangugot. sudden death syndrome, which alas is common here. So over the last 3 years we had two teenagers found dead in bed. Cause? And one Japanese/Filipino living here, who was an alcoholic, also died. Bangugot or hemorrhagic pancreatitis?

And then there is the daugther of one of our farmers, who is paralyzed. The local docs could find no reason, so sent her home, and the county is helping her with medical expsnses. But I wonder: it sounds like this disease, which is usually caused by a virus, and I have seen several cases in the USA when I was in practice. However, it also could be a complication of the mRna Covid shot. That article was published in Sept 2021...

 from the article:..

several cases of acute transverse myelitis (ATM) after COVID-19 vaccination have been reported in clinical trials.....The findings of subsequent investigations suggest the possibility that autoimmune responses are triggered by the reactions between anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike protein antibodies and tissue proteins, as well as the interaction between spike proteins and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptors .,,,The American Neurological Association (ANA) investigated the major neurological complications of COVID-19 vaccination, including tremors, diplopia, tinnitus, dysphonia, seizures, the reactivation of herpes zoster, transverse myelitis, stroke, Bell’s palsy, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, and Guillain–Barré syndrome...

 the authors are discussing one case they diagnosed, and they do note that covid the disease itself causes these problems.

in other words, a lot of problems from the various vaccines were noted in the medical literature by late 2021. Yet writing about such things was discouraged because it increase the distrust of vaccine, and when people stop taking vaccines, you get people dying of a preventable disease.

Don't ask me: ironically I heard about such things on conspiracy sites but not in the medical literature, although I must admit that since my husband died, I have not kept up to date with the medical literature.


Another conspiracy theory starting to get the notice of Congress is about Ecohealth. trying to get money to refund the Wuhan lab. Those nasty Republicans promptly pounced on the story (/s). 

From NatReview:

The subcommittee released a report and accompanying documents Wednesday morning recommending EcoHealth no longer receive federal funding and the Justice Department criminally investigate Daszak.
“We’ve come to the conclusion in a bipartisan fashion that Dr. Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance should no longer receive one penny for any type of research forever,” Wenstrup said, while emphasizing the risks of gain-of-function research.


in related news: Awhile back, Ecohealth was seeking to establish a laboratory here in the Philippines to investigate diseases in wild animals that might spread to humans.

The problem? Some leftists in the congress here found out about it and objected to it, because it was funded by the US Dept of Defense. 

Since then it has not been in the news, but checking the grant site, it appears that none of the money has been spent on the project, so apparently our good congressfolk have stopped it.

We have all sorts of problems with animal disease here, everything from an epidemic of Footandmouth disease and other animal epidemics during the American takeover that caused a famine to the outbreak of ebola Reston in some pigs in a nearby piggery that spread to four agri workers (but didn't make them very sick). 

But this lab sounded like they were seeking for new viruses, and the link to the US DOD make it seem like it was to find new germs for germ warfare.

the average Filipino loves Yanks, but the left is still suspicious of the American. 

Filipinos see their land as the ant caught in a fight between elephants.

on the other hand, when China steals the traditional fishing grounds from the Philippines (an area that has possible petroleum reserves) and destroys the ecosystem there, you have to realize that the alternative is to let China take over the region, which is of course their long term goal.

But unlike VietNam, the Philippines was never part of China: you could argue that it was part of the Caliphate, not part of China, and the last time some Chinese (pirates) tried a takeover was during the ming dynasty, and the Spanish with the help of the locals thru them out.

There is a lot of antagonism in SE Asia against China because the Chinese ethnics tend to monopolize business, and the rich families who are the oligarchy who run the Philippines are often descended from Chinese traders who intermarried local women (traditionally foreigners can't own businesses, so they marry a local woman and put it all in her name).

But there is a lot of resentment in poorer locals about this. And some of it is true, because in Asia, families only trust those in their family, which make it hard for outsiders to succeed. So often the middle class will migrate to other countries where they succeed more easily. 

What is different in recent years in the Philippines is the ties between Christian (protestant) businessmen, who trust each other and help each other.

This Asian clanishness in business is the story behind the massacre of the Chinese in Indonesia (not the CIA) and the expelling of the Chinese from communist Viet Nam. The Chinese are similar to the Jews in Europe or the Indians in parts of Africa: They enter the country and improve the area, and end up running the economy but never quite assimilate so locals object to that.

And of course, this has long term implications for China's expansion into Africa, which I sort of support, but when I see them doing the same mistakes as they did elsewhere (not hiring and mixing with locals) I suspect in the long term they too will be thrown out by locals when locals get angry enough. Or as the African proverb says: Even a little snake has a fang.

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