Wednesday, June 05, 2024

absurdities in the covid propaganda news

I am no fan of Dr. Fauci, but when Dr Paul questioned him about the six foot distancing, Fauci said he made it up.

Actually, droplets of saliva etc can be spread 6 feet plus with coughing and sneezing.

when we were in medical school, we were told that masking essentially kept us from spraying saliva into the patient's wounds during surgery. But of course, unless you use a close fitting specialized mask it doesn't protect you from germs (although it might keep dust etc out of your lungs if you have asthma, and heavy work masks keep out particulate matter like paint spray and dust).

anti maks types point out that a mask won't stop a virus. They miss the point: the virus isn't floating by itself. It is embedded in moisture from breathing, talking, coughing or sneezing, and the mask does catch these particles so you don't give it to others. Yes, a handkerchief also does this, but then the droplets get on your hands and spread that way.

review from 2020 has lots of links to older studies about using masks.

The spreading of the infectious pathogen responsible for COVID-19 is mainly through droplets ejected during coughing and sneezing (Jones and Brosseau, 2015; Asadi et al., 2020; and Bourouiba, 2020). The multiphase turbulent cloud formed during coughing and sneezing consists of hot and moist air and suspended droplets (Scharfman et al., 2016). The larger droplet follows a ballistic projectile, and under the influence of gravity and aerodynamic drag, it decelerates and travels considerably a smaller distance before landing on surfaces (Tellier, 2006; Wells, 1934). However, the smaller diameter droplets and particles. So thete is some logic abput masks and distancing 
that said, I think the repeated shots of covid to low risk people is absurd, My granddaughter has had four boosters and will have to get another one to teach a seminar in the USA this summer. Why? The booster makes her sick for two to three days, so it's not like she doesn't have problems with getting the shot.

the overkill of covid policy is making folks forget the toxicity from the early epidemic: vaccines are a cost/benefit ratio decision.

Early in the epidemic two local nurses who were pregnant refused the vaccine, because social media rumors said that it could cause miscarriages: one died (7 months pregnant) the other survived covid but the baby was born premature with covid and died.

So maybe their decision was wrong.

But now we are reading about the covid shots causing problems with pregnancy and fertility. So the fake news might have been more accurate than the official news?

Yet as studies are leaking out about side effects, one does wonder about a coverup.

Here in the Philippines the disastrous Dengue vaccine episode was one reason that the DOH refused to sign a non liability agreement, so we didn't get the mRNA vaccines for months. I got the AZ vaccine in August, but by then we knew about the blood clot problem, so it was only given to elders and high risk people who were at risk of dying from pulmonary problems.

here the worst part of the epidemic was from April 21 to April 22.

the Omicron varient hit here in December.

yet once omicron hit, and herd immunity kicked in, the hysterical push for vaccine, isolation, etc. was overkill  nonsense. And giving shots to kids who are low risk is nonsense, especially when they rarely die of it.

And now there are reports that various vaccines had side effects and this was covered up.

The reaction to what many think was a bad public health policy will result in lack of trust in the public health sector. Sigh.

and suspicion that the vaccines cause an immunity problem leading to premature deaths from other diseases like cancer etc. is only now being debated.

and now some question about government employees making money from patents they held on treatments

It makes one wonder if this might be why they didn't allow ivermectin or HCQ treatment, and only quoted flawed studies (i.e. given late in the course of treatment) that showed they didn't work, so they could push their drug and make money.

and the coverup of vaccine side effects, and the increase in death rates from all sorts of diseases, is making some people suspicious of the entire kerfuffle.


don't ask me: I'm just a retired family doc living in her room who has all the symptoms of post viral fatigue etc, but mine is from dengue, not covid.

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