Friday, June 21, 2024

anti cia propaganda so what else is new?

 there is an article floating around conspiracy sites that CIA bots persuaded Filipinos not to get the Sinovax shot from China, and this resulted in lots of people dying.

Complete nonsense.

After the Dengue tragedy, the average Filipino is suspicious of any vaccine and this predates covid.

So  that propaganda about CIA bots working on the social media to stop Filipinos from using the Chinese vaccine is just that: propaganda.

The Sinovax was given widely in Indonesia and didn't stop the epidemic there (essentially it was useless), and so the Philippines used all sorts of vaccines from the UK and Russia etc, for high risk folk and sinovax was used in low risk populations 

and the article hints that the propaganda on the social media was to stop China from becoming popular. But China is very unpopular here because they run the economy, smuggling, computer sex and the drug trade. But especially because the ordinary Filipino can't break into their cliques to get rich, so most middle class folk work overseas to make ends meet.

our DOH didn't accept the mRNA vaccine when first offered because they refused to sign a no liability paper, so getting it here was delayed for over half a year.

What stopped the epidemic was the Omnicron variant. 

And unlike the USA, Duterte said if we wanted to use Ivermectin, no problem. 

The CIA anti Duterte propaganda is well known and shame on them for funding Rappler and lots of anti Duterte stuff on the social media that mainly inflamed the SJW and Catholic SJW types in the cities. But here in the rural areas, where drugs were behind a lot of crime, Duterte remained popular. Once he started his anti drug war, I could again walk the streets without fear of kidnapping, and Ruby could take a bus into Manila without fear of being robbed.

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