Sunday, June 09, 2024

Drone wars


more information HERE: they spy, they drop bombs on you, and then there is this: Logistics

Commercial cargo ships can carry hundreds of armed UAVs equipped with satellite communications so operators anywhere in the world can control them. These USVs can be unloaded at sea and sent to carry out attacks on targets in the area or move to a nearby harbor and remain tied to a dock until needed. The only maintenance is keeping the USV batteries charged.
These USVs are a radical new weapon for naval warfare and the war at sea will never be the same because of the success of Ukrainian USVs in their victorious war against the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

so the kid playing WOW in the basement could actually use these skills in a future war. 

I post that because here in Asia, drones and unmanned robotic submarines might change stuff if China invades Taiwan and yes China is busy with planning to use these gadgets.

and then there are unmanned ships that can move supplies: logistics!

more here about the modern ways of war, and the problem of the modern military: Prolonged periods of peace lead to a decline in military readiness, and traditionally Americans aren't eager to start wars....

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