Monday, June 03, 2024

I have a rosary and I know how to use it

A million FIlipinos praying the rosary blocked Marcos'thugs from arresting General Ramos, who decided the army should back Tita Corey who won the election. And the sight of the demonstrations persuaded President Regan to tell Marcos he would not get US backing for stealing the election and it was time for him to go.

But such things won't happen today, would it? Especially in today's secular world of tictoc and gay pride.


Spain’s Socialist government has sensationally BANNED the public saying of the Rosary in Madrid ahead of the European Elections.
Pedro Sanchez’s government has told the organisers of the daily Rosary in Madrid that they will not be allowed to gather in the city on June 8th of June 9th due to a ‘day of reflection’ and the election day.
It comes after already fining its leader thousands for praying in public.
Catholics have said that they will defy the order.


Background can be read in this EWTN article from last December:

Growing numbers of Catholics continue to defy Spain’s socialist government by publicly praying the rosary for the country as it faces spiritual, political, and economic turbulence that a pro-life lawyer says stems from a crisis in values and clear persecution against the Catholic Church.

and there are political inspirations behind some of the rallies:

Rosary rallies in the country have coincided with large-scale protests against an amnesty law that the government offered to socialists and communists for the failed 2017 bid by Catalonia to secede from the rest of Spain.

The Catholic news agency, in Dec 23, has more background.

other gatherings of Christians who oppose governments include rosary rallies in Ireland, (anti EU policies being pushed on that country among other things), a huge pilgrimage in France, Evangelical Christians protesting the corrupt socialists government in Brazil, and even numerous Eucharistic processions in the USA promoting revival.

No, I don't know if such things are increasing or would have any influence on the world which seems going to hell, but like the drip drip drip of water, it could.

Which explains why the FBI had Catholics on their radar for possible threats, and why peaceful abortion protesters in the USA have been sentenced to jail under the FACE act, that specifically bans pro life protests.\\\




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