Friday, July 12, 2024

Catholic scandals

the background on why Archbishop Vigano was quickly thrown out of the Catholic church, you have to realize he was willing to name names (McCarrick) and threatened to expose the lies that there is no sexual abuse or financial shennanigans going on because they cleared it up.

PBS article is full of the usual spin, but if you read into the second half of the article, they do admit he dared to expose both financial corruption and McCarrick's .

and the history of coverup is what is even more shameful:


this sounds like what was going on in Altoona in the 1990s: bad sex ed that many parents opposed, the diocese lawyer pressuring families not to report sexual abuse of their teenage son to the cops (later the bishop bragged he had no reports of sexual abuse on his watch. Right. Liar: Abuse was going on, but it wasn't reported. Duh) and the fact that any gay guy could tell you: That there were a lot of local priests openly cruising at the bars in Pittsburgh.

2016 article: whoops the coverup continues.

As for Cardinal Law: He went around bragging his pro life leadership, but when three of us asked the diocese in the early 1990s to alert locals about the pro euthanasia agenda being taught in medical schools and being pushed by the NEJM, only after a repeated request did we get an answer, and a very subtle editorial that was so subtle no one probably understood what it was about. My collegue said ironically: Law doesn't do anything because those around him keep these issues from him.

this was before Law was exposed for covering up terrible abuse and the Vatican kicked him upstairs to an office in Rome.

then I moved to Altoona,  when this was going on.

Altoona link2: 

Yes, that was finally exposed by a DA (who later was jailed for leaking grand jury information on corruption in Philadelphia). And no one ever followed the clues that the the pro gay priests in State College might have been why good Catholics in State College didn't report abuse there: the Sandusky scandal.

I posted about a lot of this stuff in the past, with links.\

Some of the links, such as those by Gary Morella, are now off line, but other reports, mainly linking to the local Johnstown paper, were posted on the rightwing site FreeRepublic, on their religion discussion threads. see also  2006 article about how priests were pushed out for spilling the story to the press etc.

Leon Podles book Sacrilege documents many abuse cases. review here:

and there are links to what was going on in the seminaries back then (under Ratzinger they tried to clean this up so maybe the information is out of date). 


Complicit Clergy is one news site that does collect these reports of what is going on now.

I have no idea of what is going on here in the Philippines, where abuse of employees is winked at, where abuse of street kids is alas common, where we are the cybersex capital of the world, and where a lot of women who work overseas find they are supposed to become prostitutes: so like the USA, where Hollywood abuse was winked at, and abuse in public schools was ignored, most of it is not documented.

most of the news reports are old 2017 LINK
ah but our bishops are busy pushing environmental justice or some such thing. The irony? Corruption is behind much of the environmental catastrophes here, so maybe they should be preaching honesty: You know, bribes are a no no?

like most of the Catholic church, the corrupt are not the majority and most of our priests are good hard workers who defend our people's rights against the corrupt, and preach the gospel.

Nevertheless, the dirty little secret is that when church leaders are busy following Francis' trendy green issues and talking about synodality (where I suspect few of our farmers will be asked their opinions), it means they have less time and energy to fight the gay issues and sexual exploitation of our girls and street kids. 

So one of the dirty little secrets is that many Christians are now going to Protestant churches, who do give out guidelines on how God expects us to live.


yes I stay Catholic because I knew priests martyred for defending the human rights of their people, and because the church has been through this in the past and then cleaned up their act.

actually, EWTN has a long discussion of all these problems, and at the end LINK they reveal that most younger priests in the USA are Catholic... NYTimes is aghast at this...

 Peter Damian call your office. They are at it again.

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