Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The AI President. Yup someone just suggested this seriously

Ann Althouse links to an essay that wonders 

 "if Americans are in fact totally cool with a group of unelected officials pulling strings behind the scenes..." "... while the man known as POTUS watches Dick Van Dyke reruns and drools contentedly into a bowl of creamed corn—may I direct your attention to one of my favorite movies, the 1993 Kevin Kline comedy 'Dave,' in which some devious Washington insiders attempt to do exactly this? 
comments point out this has also been done in other  literature/movies: as in Kurasawa's Kagamusha and in Heinlein's Double Star.

hey, who needs an actor when AI can do it for you?

The Huff Post suggests this be done with AI.

The stakes of the 2024 presidential election cannot be overstated. With Donald Trump promising to act as a dictator “on day one,” it is not hyperbolic to say the future of American democracy hangs in the balance.

except that's not what he said LINK and as president Trump actually governed more moderately than his tweets, which often are exaggerated and a negotiating tactic, as anyone reading the Art of the Deal knows.

Against this backdrop, the Biden campaign faces a critical challenge: conveying a strong and effective image of President Joe Biden to a population and media ecosystem increasingly focused on optics over substance.

Translation: The media has been covering up his problems, but after the debate, a lot of American actually figured out that Biden might have a problem despite the media let's spin the story.

Given the president’s concerning performance last week,

italics mine: translation: gaslighting you by pretending this only happened once. 

it’s time for the Biden campaign to consider leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to effectively reach the voting public.


While of course there are reasonable hesitations to break this dam on the use of modern technology in presidential campaigning, the consequences of not taking  it would be bad...

 Why? Because replacing him with Senator Warren, Gov Newsom, or even Kamela Harris or Hillary Clinton would be bad? Why? Because they might not get as many votes? Or because although they are left leaning Democrats, they might not obey those manipulating the government?

and the article goes on to admit that the plan is to persuade you that he has only a verbal problem, not a cognitive problem:

... Joe Biden is old and has had a lifelong stutter. He acknowledged in a fiery rally following his debate performance: “I might not walk as easily or talk as smoothly as I used to.” This has impeded his ability to communicate with mass audiences with consistent success.

Italics mine. So it is not just a problem with expressing himself, but he also has motor problems. So it suggests his neurological problem is wider than a simple blocking of his talking ability. This suggests his inability to think, judge and make policies might also be affected. 

they then bring in another argument: It would save him time to do more work. 

The president has limited time to campaign as he also focuses on running the country, and AI would be a cost-effective and efficient way to communicate his message personally and directly to voters.

 (ignore rumors he can't function in the evenings because he needs to sleep.LINKNYT)

The argument that showing a fake Biden is ethically okay and a fake Biden could help cover up his disability so that his wife/son/ staff who are actually running the country can pretend he is fine.

Edith Wilson call your office. Dr. Jill wants advice.


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