Monday, September 30, 2024

Freedom of speech rally

 you might need to use a VPN to watch it, but here is the rally for  freedom of speech with talks by the usual suspects.

according to MSN news, 100 thousand attended.

Max Taibbi's speech is here.

I don't agree with a lot of these people, by the way.

But it is an open rejection to those making a new world order of peace and prosperity.

Related items: John Kerry is aghast a free speech.


full discussion here.

the WEF site has lots of links to their plans. My favorite is an "indigenous" person who wants to keep the Amazon pristine, ignoring that the Amazon before disease depopulated the area, was highly populated with farmers who engineered the environment.,

But this almost makes me believe in the conspiracy theories of puppet masters seeking to control all of us.

I was listening to one podcast where they explained why so many in both parties hate Trumpieboy as being in the way of democracy: (yes, I know: America like Rome is a republic because democracies are unstable).

The world leaders don't define democracy as the will of the people, which of course could be manipulated as the history of Athens shows, but they define democracy as a stable and prosperous world order that has been developed since WWII that allows people to be free..., and that Trump's ideas undermine their plans.

The problem: I am reminded of the saying: Who died and left you king?

Carrol Quigley, call your office. I read your book...

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