Monday, September 02, 2024

Sixties redux.

I am watching old tucker Carlson discussions in the background while I surf the net and clean the room.

This discussion (first hour and a half) resembles the conspiracy theories I learned about in the sixties when some of my acquaintances were early anti war protesters (no I supported that war, because I saw communist takeover more dangerous than keeping a corrupt dictatorship... and I was right, although the massacres and ethnic cleansing etc was not given a lot of press after the fall of Saigon)

so here is Tucker spouting conspiracy theories of security operatives being the man behind the curtain manipulating the news to run the USA.

nonsense. Or maybe not: Anyone remember the Church committee?

I have lived a lot in third world hell holes, and tell you the truth, support a lot of this CIA manipulation, because I also saw how the KGB (and now China) is doing the same thing, including taking over poor countries to exploit their resources (e.g. in Africa, when the KGB supported dicatorships and liberation movements but more recently, by the Wagner group seeking gold, China and rare earth metals). 

So I am bemused when what is sometimes called the deep state is now pushing  fake Russian conspiracies cooked up by Hillary to used  to spy on the Trumpites,   

This is why Twitter is such a disaster for them: and this is why Musk got left wing reporters (italics mine) to uncover this, because until recently it was the left who investigated this type of government overreach. 

So there might be a reason to do this for geopolitical reasons, but why did they censor the covid origin and treatments so much? That doesn't make sense


I have no personal information about a lot of this: except for a single sentence where he mentions the Philippines.

at 1h:16 they mention that the CIA couldn't manipulate the Philippine election. True: Duterte joined at the last minute and had grass root support. Background: The CIA hated him and it was mutual because he hated the CIA after they helped a drug pusher in Davao escape justice. So suddenly the western press could only report negative things on Duterte  the CIA arranged Omidyar funding of Rappler, which was against the law, but never mind: there was a full court press pushing the story that trying to prosecute the lady reporter who illegally accepted this money was a poor innocent victim. She even received a Nobel Peace prize for this farce. 

 and of course never mention that now it was safe for ordinary Filipinos to take the bus or (for me) shop nearby without worrying about being kidnapped or robbed. 

And don't mention those stories that the drug cartels were planning to make us a narco state to let them ship drugs all over. this had alas geopolitical implications: 

 This CIA war against Duterte led him to try to make nice with China, and so China's aggression against the Philippines was rewritten has his fault. But the dirty little secret is that this started before Duterte: from   pressuring Pres Aquino not to respond to them militarily when they started harassing fishermen and digging up the seabed but take it to the courts.

But the courts have no way to enforce the law, so the result was to let them build these islands. oh, never mind. 

The Marcos are in charge again and will cooperate with the US, especially since China (seeing Biden is senile) is busy trying to take over more of the Philippines resources (fish, natural gas) and the sea lanes of the West Philippine sea. Sigh. Lolo promised me if I moved here I would always have rice to eat, since we are farmers. Sigh.

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