Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Family news

 So the typhoons passed and we are only getting evening thunderstorms of the monsoons. So no problem here, but I worry about my son in Florida. He said his town is outside the wind area but they worry about the rain might flood them. 

The rice, which was planted late because they were dredging the irrigation ditch, is almost ripe and the first harvest of our fields will be Thursday if we can rent the harvester/thresher machine.

Joy has been busy teaching: mostly business lectures for farmers but she also attends church meetings and gives lectures there. Not my church: I am Catholic but my weakness since I had dengue two years ago means I rarely can get to mass when it's hot.

The white Mamadog had two puppies a month ago: They were premature and small but lived and now their eyes are opening, so we may have to move them out of the closet when they start to wander.

There is a new half grown puppy in the street: Half starved and try to bite you if you go near. We put out food and water but because of the risk of rabies there is no way we would adopt it. 

The maid said the city has a free rabies shot clinic in the poorer area of our barangay (neighborhood) tomorrow so she will be late. It is for dogs and cats. We no longer have cats since all the cats in the neighborhood died off two years ago, and no new feral cats want to adopt us because we have watchdogs. We need a cat, since mice and rats invade and then we have to put out traps or for rats poisoned food. Yuck. 

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