Friday, October 11, 2024

The manipulation of the Catholic synod nonsense


I have written before how the so called Synodality push by this pope is is a marxist type way to guide groups from above. This is done to disguise what is going on: so that they can pretend the agenda is grass roots initiative. But any Catholic can tell you that the activists with agendas will be busy filling the seats: Heck, even in Catholic Manila they found a lot of "catholics" at these meetings were actually members of the Freemasons, which is a group Catholics are not allowed to join.

The video has a long discussion of the meetings, but if you fast forward to 20 minutes, they mention a woman who plays the role of the child who points out that the Emperor is naked:

Transcript: I think one of the interesting things that happened this week that we've heard here in Rome is ...   somehow it leaked out, or it was just so notorious that it couldn't be kept in. Is that the thing that has gained the greatest applause by the full, almost 400 group of delegates inside the Synod Hall this week was a woman, a mother , who got up and said, what we really need in the church is some help. We women need some help and how to bring up our children to remain faithful to their religion in the modern. Or if you prefer, post-modern world, that mother standing up and saying, how do I bring up my children got the largest applause of anything that's happened so far in the Synod Hall. So that tells you something about what real women are thinking about. This other stuff. It just seems to me it's ideological verbiage .

 this synodality push has nothing to do with the religion founded by Jesus: the small group discussions remind me of the 1970s encounter groups we were forced to attend in medical school: we were supposed to bare our souls and get solidarity with the others in the group, but in reality it meant the most vocal pushing their agenda on the rest of us.

The modern Francis church is moving to establish a new church, but it more resembles the shenanigans of the renaissance Popes. whose agenda was power. So they worked with other world leaders and sent their minions, usually Jesuits, to manipulate politics. How bad was it? Well, it was so bad that the Catholic monarchs pressured the church to disband the Jesuit order.

And if these so called reformers, who follow the spirit of the woke/ NWO mindset take over, and will give the puppet masters another way to silence political dissadents (example: The fall of the iron curtain from believers demonstrating for freedom against tyranny).

If the Catholic church "reforms", it will be a big win for the elites who are planning to run the world.

it means they will run all the schools and hospitals will push the secular religion. So Catholic hospitals will allow abortion and euthanasia, and the Catholic schools and universities will push their agenda.  Not to mention diverting all that money into the pockets of the corrupt.

This is merely the secular harm that will be done if Francis gets his way.

from a religious point of view, the real sorrow is the loss of souls: Because people will reject a false religion of woke, and the most pious will be left without support for their souls.

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