Sunday, December 29, 2024

It''s Christmas: Time to insult the VIrgin Mary

 I've been seeing hit jobs on Christianity in the MSM for the last fifty years, usually printed at Christmas or Easter time of course.

So we see this again this year. Ho hum. nothing new here folks just move along.

first the NYTimes editorial wants to instruct you that 2000 years of belief in Mary is mistaken. Is this being done to undermine the faith of believers? Is this being done to instruct those ignorant of what Christianity taught for 2000 years? Of course not. It is aimed at bridging America’s God gulf.

italics mine. 

translation: presenting the hip version of the faith to those seeking God: by using a straw man argument and quoting those who are trying to remake Christianity into a faith pleasing to the elite mindset as if they represent the belief of ordinary Catholics. Presumably he couldn't find any believing Catholics in New York City.

Nope: he goes to the experts in academia who are busy destructing Christian beliefs...quoting Pagals, an expert in the Gnostic gospels that date back only 1600 years

   Jenkins book, which I have in my personal library, has a lot of details about this trend 

Jenkins places the recent controversies surrounding the hidden gospels in a broad historical context and argues that, far from being revolutionary, such attempts to find an alternative Christianity date back at least to the Enlightenment. And by employing the appropriate scholarly and historical methodologies, he demonstrates that the texts purported to represent pristine Christianity were in fact composed long after the canonical gospels found in the Bible. Produced by obscure heretical movements, these texts offer no reliable new information about Jesus or the early church. They have attracted so much media attention chiefly because they seem to support radical, feminist, and post-modern positions in the modern church.

and the NYT writer also quotes liberal Protestant writer who is busy influencing Bible believing Protestant churches to do the same.

Hmm... sounds like some of those theologians trying to hijack the Pope's synodality stupidity by changing dogma on several levels while the Pope says good things then contradicts himself by letting these guys destroy the faith of ordinary Catholics. 


and then to add insult to injury, Netflix puts in their insult. 

And unlike the NYTimes, someone spent a lot of money to make this film, 

Some of it is inspired by some of the pious early  writings called gospels but never accepted by the church (again, see Jenkins book) but of course Netflix writers give them a gnostic flavor. 

Father Leo, best known as the cooking priest from EWTN also teaches at an American seminary, and has started a podcast on religion in culture, and he puts his two cents in.

 Bishop Barron discusses Youtube theology:

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