I vaguely had read about the Muslim grooming gangs in the north of England: but didn't realize it was that bad.
However, I was aware that some Muslim guys (even the docs I worked with) considered all Christian girls as sluts and thought it was okay to have sex with them, even aggressively. (a relative in Canada was raped by one at her college: No he never was charged, since he claimed she came on to him and was lying, and never was punished even after she got a restraining order on him for stalking and sexual harassment that others verified he was doing).
So anyway, suddenly the British scandal about the Pakistani and Asian grooming gangs who abused young poor white girls is in the news again, with Elon Musk putting his two cents (or should I say two billion) into the discussion.
It is the holiday so I wondered why all of a sudden this (?old) scandal exploded: Is it anti immigrant prejudice (I hope not: We have Filipino relatives there who are now proud UK citizens, but still are obviously not Anglo ethnics). Or is it about an aggressive Islam? The groomers were mainly Pakistani Muslims, yet one wonders why those from the same area and presumably the same culture who are Hindu or Sikh are not involved. Then you have the question: Are these guys immigrants, or second generation types who were inflamed by (Saudi fundamentalist) preachers at local mosques who teach hatred?
Don't ask me.
Presumably the resentment against Muslim immigrants came to a head was because of the attack on young girls at a dance class, where the UK government tried to cover it up and said the perpetrator was a Welshman Christian, when it turned out he was the child of African immigrants and had lots of jihadi stuff in his possession.
Then the government started arresting parents protesting, probably because the good old boys there who tend to be rowdy, were threatening to the innocent or something.
So anyway, after that, the party in power got booted out and another party took over.
Yeah. The Labour party loves the working class, right?
So why is the story of the grooming gangs blowing up again? Maybe new reports? Maybe because one extremist who had a film about it was jailed? Anyone? Anyone.
Canadian journalist David Warren (who also writes on culture on the Catholic Thing) mentions what was the problem:
...the British prime minister, Keir Starmer... rose to power as the prosecutor protecting Muslim “grooming gangs,” and now puts people in gaol who protest on behalf of their rape and murder victims.
The idea that Mr Starmer should have a rôle in the government of a civilized country, is as absurd as the idea that the 14-year-old narcissist who has ruled Canada, or the 82-year-old senescent who has ruled the United States...
from a UKTelegraph story
Ms Oliver, who now runs a foundation supporting abuse victims, said that, while previous inquiries had led nowhere, she did believe it was now time for a fresh independent investigation into grooming. She added that as a former DPP, Sir Keir had to bear some responsibility for the widespread failure to bring those responsible to justice.
Writing on X, she said: “Those leading these ‘enquiries’ have always wanted to cover up the truth, to hide it. And I’d say it’s become even worse in recent months with those who dare to speak out finding themselves in prison within a couple of days… when victims wait 6/7/8 years for a trial! Corrupt and just wrong....
so who in the USA is pushing the UK to investigate the story?
...Billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman urged Mr Trump to “consider appropriate sanctions against the UK” over its handling of the grooming scandal. .... He wrote on X: “Who was the head of the CPS when rape gangs were allowed to exploit young girls without facing justice? Keir Starmer, 2008–2013. “Who is the boss of Jess Phillips right now? Keir Stamer
Here is a discussion by some well known podcasters (lotuseaters) of what is going on:
update: From another popular podcast, triggernometry:
this wouldn't be the first time the elites ignored injustice against normal people in the UK, and then tried to block inquiries.
It brings to mind the Post Office Scandal, where a computer software glitch caused many ordinary people running post offices to be accused of theft.
That story finally was publicized by a miniseries Mr Bates vs the Post Office:
The Real Story chronicled sub-postmaster Alan Bates’s legal battle against the Post Office, which had falsely accused him and some 3,500 others of defrauding the UK’s postal service. Following the airing of the four-part mini-series, the number of signatures on a long-running petition calling for an official honour to be stripped from former Post Office chief executive Paula Vennells rocketed to more than one million.
more details at Wikipedia
Vennells was head of the Post Office from 2012 to 2017... of positions despite the rumors about what had happened on her watch.,
Vennels is still unpunished and got plenty of jobs after the scandal was known but not well publicized.
but the strangest link here is that Vennells is an Anglican priest and almost got appointed to become the bishop of London in 2017.
So it's not just politicians: The head of the CofE Welby also said I know nothing.
But then of course he resigned recently for being silent about sexual abusers, so I guess there was a lot going on he preferred not to notice.
what both these scandals have in common is that years later, it was the small people who stubbornly pushed for justice who finally got a smidgen of justice.
as the African proverb warns: Even a small snake has a fang.
Alas, so far the ones who should have stopped these things are still free and have never been punished.
Hirsi Ali discusses the culture. In her biography she discusses the threats to women. It is not just in Islam, but universal in many primitive cultures that sees raping a woman from a different and inferior culture as okay.
What stops this in many cultures is not just keeping women in the homes and veiled, but the knowledge that if you harm a woman, her brothers will punish you. Vigilante justice.
But in Muslim majority cultures, often the court system looks the other way when Christian or Hindu girls are kidnapped, forced to convert and to marry her rapist.
But in the UK, this was not forced marriage but grooming for prostitution. And alas they often came from dysfunctional families and were vulnerable because of widespread use of drugs.
The problem in the UK is not just the culture of south Asian Muslims, but the culture of the liberals who didn't want to insult Islamic immigrants, so gave them a pass on their crimes.
a swift punishment of the perpetrators, plus an outreach to the local religious leaders, would have stopped it. But this was not done.
it is a worldwide problem: the background is the idea that women from an inferior group are fair game: in Europe, it explains upper class men raping rural women or seducing servant or shop women, in India, it means rape of women from lower castes, in the past in the Southern USA it meant black women, in today's USA it often preys on runaway girls or in more recent years, immigrant women, in some areas it means Native American women.
update: Senator Fetterman and several other Democrats are supporting the Laken Riley act.
The Laken Riley Act would require the Department of Homeland Security to take into custody undocumented immigrants who have been charged with theft and other crimes.
Riley was raped and killed by an illegal immigrant while jogging.
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